I dont wanna download a plane and save it and it has Aircraft as it's save name instead of its actual name, so please, before uploading something, please save it with a name.
What else do the people who do that do? Play Nintendo DS like this or eat pineapple on pizza?
@hpgbproductions "I got a Wii u but it keeps calling itself cafe"
save your plane with your project's codename and then never update the filename when uploading :troll:
@Airgaurdian I'm sure the carpet is designed like that, if isn't is a stain it's not that much
paper rank first post intensifies
Idk how people can build a whole plane and not save it lol
I always give my builds a name, it gives the build an extra detail and shows how much you care about perfection.
I always save and post with an actual name, i agree that users should post an aircraft with it's actual name, the users who post with "Aircraft" name makes me feel weird