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How does SP Algorithm works?

16.6k dekanii  3 months ago

I have a question, how does the website knows if a build is worthy enough to be seen in Hottest tab, or even appear in your Jet Stream without you knowing?

(am curious and i just here to waste your time answering this)

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    16.6k dekanii

    @Zhixunlin23 mhm

    +1 2 months ago
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    2,540 Zhixunlin23

    @dekanii never had a single raindrop fall in the past few weeks

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @Zhixunlin23 impossible, you are close to water

    +1 2 months ago
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    2,540 Zhixunlin23

    @dekanii I live pretty close to Hong Kong

    2 months ago
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    2,540 Zhixunlin23

    @dekanii no I live in the city right beside a harbor

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @Zhixunlin23 desert?1?1??1! 😯

    +1 2 months ago
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    2,540 Zhixunlin23

    @dekanii bro for the whole month I got no rain at all

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @TheOfficalMarylander real, fact that here its rainy, our town almost flood

    2 months ago
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    @dekanii bro take me with you we have not gotten rain in over 2 weeks and the average feeling is 105😭😭

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    maybe close to 95°F

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    100°F is average here

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @TheOfficalMarylander no im asian

    2 months ago
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    @dekanii im sorry do you live in Texas by any chance? Bc if this your idea of cold then im tony stark

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    idk what to say, and im not into any drama

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    hence the "white smoke" coming out of your mouth

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @TheOfficalMarylander wdym?
    its nothing wrong, i just assume your place is so cold that it would feel like winter

    2 months ago
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    22.3k KPLBall

    @SamTheUncle bingo except I get planes from Zaineman who I forgot to follow until about Today

    2 months ago
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    @dekanii "pretty sure your mouth would come out some sort of white smoke"
    Read that back to yourself, but slower.

    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @TheOfficalMarylander thats a cold night, pretty sure your mouth would come out some sort of white smoke

    2 months ago
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    2 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @SamTheUncle Mhm, i would take note of that

    2 months ago
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    5,284 Rb2h

    Like McDonalds fries
    Hotter Is Better!

    2 months ago
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    Mostly, but maybe not exactly, upvote to age ratio

    +1 3 months ago
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    54.9k TheMouse

    Explaining how somethjng works is never wasted time.

    +3 3 months ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    @SamTheUncle I see, thank you for explaining it
    though it didnt waste your time eh?

    3 months ago
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