I'm awake, but no time for formalities, straight back to work I go!
Enjoy a picture of two new airctaft and a vehicle I'll be posting in the days of my return! (they won't be in order, I have to do the Arctic and Tundra Terrors first though)
I'm Awake Guys
71.2k TheUltimatePlaneLover
6 months ago
I know what you're about to say,
But you were not here first.
Now, about that "typo." Wasn't a typo at all, actually, a reference to a museum I went to once. The museum was pretty memorable, but that one word just caught me off guard lol. If you know which one, you're in luck! If you don't, I'ma leave you in the dark ;)
@TheUltimatePlaneLover yep including P43
@KPLBall So Tu-4 still has some friends :D
@TheUltimatePlaneLover and I forgot
P-108B likes TU-4 for being a fellow hated bomber. (P108 is hated by everyone as well but is very durable as well. Like a Italian TU-4)
And P-43 Lancer likes TU-4 because TU-4 is just chill and so is P-43 (Tbh they probably just chill together)
@TheUltimatePlaneLover also PEV M4A3 (F76) and M4A2 FauxFly like TU-4 because they know him for his admirable aspects
@KPLBall Funny story, that's actually true.
Since the Tu-4 wasn't an entirely reverse-engineered copy in this universe, the Soviets had to think and innovate for themselves, leading the Tu-4 to actually become a comparable counterpart to the B-29. The issue is that literally everyone hates the Tu-4, with the only exceptions probably being;
-SR-71, he doesn't actually hate the Tu-4 in particular, but he's not really the best candidate because he trolls just the entire USSR in general
-P-39 (all of them), J2M, (all of them again) and P-47, they just inadvertently cause chaos wherever they roam because they find it amusing
-P-29, not exactly hate, but instead fear (he was nearly destroyed in Chengdu, there's a story behind that)
-Goober Patton and Priest, In all honesty they probably don't know Tu-4 exists
-Akatsiya and Centurion, they do know Tu-4 exists, but they couldn't care less
-XF-90, despite being the most common and therefore infamous interceptor of the Tu-4, he doesn't actually hate him, he just likes bugging it around
-Supermarine Attacker, again not a good candidate because he spites everyone in general
-A-20 and A-26, also not good candidates because they don't like the Tu-4, but I wouldn't consider it to the utter hatred level.
-A6M2 and F8F, they are the PEAverse's definition of "I have no enemies," except the Zero who had enemies before leaving their war life postwar.
-Tu-4, in spite of his horrible luck, Tu-4 loves himself ❤️ In this universe, Tu-4 is surprisingly admirable
There's your weekly lore dump lol
Until next time
@TheUltimatePlaneLover got it
The most durable thing ever
The TU4
He's awake, guys
No One Was Here, Ever. We all know of this, we did not experience it. ™
@TheUltimatePlaneLover wait, so if I'm not here first.....can I be here second?
Albeit not pictured, the Airtruk is finished and will arrive soon