I know, I haven't posted a plane in like 4 days (oh no) but no i haven't been run over by a log truck. I've just been busy with things and haven't had much time to get back to this. I will post something here soon. I learned the hard way that getting 1 plane a day takes a lot of time and i just needed a short break from throwing things together. I got 1 plane in que for a soon release and im working on something now so i should have it out within the next 2 days or so. Alright that's all. Bye!
@Karroc9522 🙂
@ChaseRacliot same man.
@Karroc9522 I'm working on a new project right now 🙃
@TheOfficalMarylander so, you are not in existence anymore 😂
@ChaseRacliot you got me there! You must be very ded
@ChaseRacliot i have not uploaded for 6 months😭
You didn't upload for 4 days and I didn't upload for 6 days 🙂
@V1 hmmm well that complicates things
cocks revolver back
I know how you feel, rest if you need it bro :D
I just got off my break and it did me well
It makes sense to write such messages on the forum if you are a popular player and have been absent for a very long time.
Trust me, nobody minds if you don't post. It's not like YouTube where if you don't stick to an upload schedule your followers cast you to oblivion. There's no algorithms here. As long as you interact with the community and make comments, you'll stay relevant.
As a matter of fact, I would actually encourage you to spend longer between posts and focus on improving your building skills. Often posting less makes your buids more special when you do post and you can get more upvotes.
But, you are dead.
cocks revolver
@jamesPLANESii ikr 😂 it's almost a lifetime
You haven't posted a plane in FOUR DAYS??? Oh my god that is absolutely horrific. You're basically just a corpse now.
@F16xl nope. I'm just existing mostly! (yes I am technically alive, I just mean I'm bored)
@Karroc9522 Dang, you become a zombie?
@F16xl well I never said that lol
Good to hear :D
He’s alive!
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