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[TB War] Vengeful Annihilation at Dusk - Nothing Held Back

59.3k TheUltimatePlaneLover  2 months ago

Record of MDA attack on TitanicBuff positions, 7/26/24

Only a day after the nuking of the MDA's homebase on Krakabloa, retaliation is immediately deployed. At about noon, MDA aircraft began taking off from Yeager Airport, fighting through fallout rain and radiation clouds to enter the stratosphere and ready for attack. The MDA also received helpers from other nations, namely Pakkoyan from Snowstone and Takusha and Ivan from the NMR.

The Skywolf 3.0 immediately after takeoff. It was damaged during the bombing, but after inspections and repairs was deemed more than ready for combat. Just a reminder that this picture, as well as all of the "dark" pictures were actually taken at noon, being darkened by the thick radiation clouds currently looming over Krakabloa.

The A-40Si takes off from the Naval Base of Yeager. Although airworthy, it wasn't spared by the nuke either, having been found flipped over and a piece of its "crown" being missing. It along with several MDA ships were damaged, including the USS Oregan which was badly damaged, and taken back into the docks for repairs.

An A-40B shortly after takeoff. Rather than immediately climbing like most aircraft, this A-40B chose to linger beneath the radiation clouds, as if taunting the enemy and asserting its fearlessness.

Today is a great day for the MDA. After the leader SamTheUncle (a.k.a. TheMouse) approved of the A-40Cs being used in this mission, they were immediately deployed. The A-40C will finally, for the first time ever, see combat.

A MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 F-15 ACI takes off and prepares for combat.

At 15:00 (3:00 PM), the attack on Wright begins. The MDA unleashes something shy of their full power, but still wreaking havoc amongst TitanicBuff's forces.

The first of the attack was actually a tad of a surprise. Rather than an absolute blitzkrieg, the forces were divided, with the high-capacity B-8B Sonic Strikes being used in the first attacks. Surprisingly, TUPL also used his older F/CAS-12 Thundershreks to attack the TitanicBuff tank forces from above. Both were heavily effective, with the B-8Bs unearthing the old TypoA bunker which the Imperial forces resided. The F/CAS-12s, on the other hand, were virtually unmatched against the tanks, and demonstrated why TUPL still uses the Thundershrek in spite of its age.

One of the B-8Bs looks over as its bombs detonate on the ground, boring into the ground and the bunker beneath.

A rare shot of the dive-bombing B-8B deploying its missiles onto enemy forces. What makes this picture rare is the fact that it's from the perspective of the victim.

The F/CAS-12 begins its attack on enemy tanks, in this picture, specifically a Jaguar II.

The Thundershrek's first kill of the day.

An Imperial Cheetah catches fire, albeit still active, after suffering hits from the F/CAS's guns.

Two more F1s under attack from the Thundershrek, which dives down and knocks out one of them from above.

Surprisingly, one Cheetah does manage to evade the F/CAS-12's wrath. This Cheetah actually managed to survive the entire raid, but was captured by MDA forces. It was appropriately named "Lucky" after surviving what may have been the biggest raid of the Combined SimpleVerse.

TUPL also deployed a number of XB-29 Tiltwing Superfortresses to steal the B-29s owned by TitanicBuff's air force. Four were confirmed rescued, but the other six have not been captured, with five missing and one believed to be damaged during the raid, albeit the degree of the damage is not yet known.

One of the XB-29s in question, notice the chains mounted in the bombay for extraction. This XB-29 in particular would rescue two of the four captured B-29s, as well as a few damaged MDA aircraft.

At 4:00 PM, the chaos really began. The MDA's first ground troops moved in, including Excelsior MK1s, the AMX-10M, ARV-22-A1 Grenadiers, Enargite VIIs, and several unpictured tanks such as Shrike, Tonk, Shocks, and a lot of TVT and MDA-series tanks.

Surviving your own shells is for the weak! One of the Excelsiors goes down with glory, taking out itself along with two TitanicBuff tanks. The Excelsior was quickly repaired and sent back into combat.

The repaired Excelsior takes out another tank- without taking itself out in the process. Yes, stealth was optional for this mission.

An F-33S, built by KPLBall, charges downwards to drop its two-thousand-pound bomb onto the bunker.

A direct hit blows open the bunker. This picture was taken from the MDA's infamous Lagwing, who surprised everyone by participating in the mission in spite of damages from the nuke attack.

The P-41A Riptide prepares to attack the fortress, firing its guns as if saying hello to the earth it's about to destroy. Fellas, if you thought the F/CAS-12 was the oldest aircraft here, you haven't seen the Riptide's birthdate.

Several direct hits on the bunker pierce into the ground and the concrete-steel compound, but the Riptide isn't done just yet.

The P-41, seeing the damage done to the bunker, has an idea and starts shooting into it with its guns through the bomb-drilled holes. This proved terrifyingly effective, with the P-41A eliminating 35 tanks with only its guns.

Out of the flaming valley, the P-41A starts climbing as it finally finishes its torturous attack and prepares to head home.

Sike! You thought you were safe? Too bad, the Eagle ACI has something to say, and it rhymes with "suns and combs."

Damaged but relentless, the TC-War Enargite VII shoots at enemy units, promptly encouraging other MDA units to assist.

A squad of Imperial Cheetahs is blindsided and attacked by an ARV-22 and AMX-10M, the Enargite VII is aiming at a different Cheetah who lurks just out of frame.

A Soko J20 provided by Pakkoyan doesn't hesitate to begin decimating the base, dealing a heavy punch despite having "light" armaments.

Flying into the smoke to attack the base, following in the example of the P-41A.

The attack was successful, but the aircraft was damaged, both by shrapnel and anti-aircraft fire. Somehow, though, the J20 landed safely and would later be one of many aircraft rescued by the modified Tiltwing Superfortresses.

A different view of the J20 shortly before its extraction.

Now it's 5:00-6:00 PM, the sun is setting, but pilots can't distinguish whether the golden haze is from the sunset or the fires they've caused. Yet the raid isn't done, pilots and tankers alike navigate through fleeting sunlight to finalize the revenge of the MDA.

An A-40B-300 charges onto the bunker zone for the assault. In a clever twist of events, the turret of one of the Shocks critically damaged during the nuke attack was repurposed into an artillery weapon for A-40B 059.

The Skywolf 3.0 unleashes its fury upon the base. Instant mountain carvers, anyone?

An A-40C prepares to enter the bomb trench, carrying a full payload just waiting to fall onto its target.

And fire rains! This is the true power of the A-40C! Man, the Havoc II Super's waited so long for this moment...

The A-40B-200 unleashes its rockets upon the enemy base. Yes, A-40s of all types were used extensively during this mission.

The A-52A Marauder II sprays its cannons along the base, dealing heavy damage as it prepares to advance further. This attack was actually an accident though, the EMCA was aiming for a tank!

This can only be described in four words: raw, brutal mountain carving. The A-52A opens its nose laser and bores into the bunker, leaving a gaping hole for the MDA aircraft to absolutely annihilate the base through.

The A-40C doesn't hesitate to drop its bombs into the open bunker, wreaking havoc and causing mass annihilation.

An F/A-32A deploys flares and chaff after a bomb-and-strafe run on TitanicBuff tanks.

The MDA was met with aerial opposition, but it was all for naught. The F-33As of TitanicBuff proved ineffective against the powerhouse aircraft. They tried several times to stop the raid, but to no avail. The attack continues in spite of resistance.

A TB-F-33A charges and shoots at an A-40C. A few shots hit, but to the surprise of no one, the A-40C was completely unfazed.

The F-15 ACI charges into battle to counter the TB-F-33s. This particular Eagle would shoot down three Falchions, including the one seen here.

More support out of the blue! The FI-90 charges in and strikes down another TB-F-33. The Star-Thunder was hit, as you can see here, but survived with relatively minimal effects and carried on for the rest of the battle.

The FI-90 climbs to gain altitude and dive onto whoever dare enter the battlefield against the MDA. Allegedly, he decided to reference the Super Hydra Attack of the M-War, climbing to exactly 40,000 feet before circling the island in preparation for attack.

The AC-230 Supernova lands a direct hit on the base using its missiles.

The Supernova begins to follow-up with its guns, dealing surprising amounts of damage to the units inside the base.

An RTAF U1-M patrols the inner coast of Wright, searching and ready to knock out enemy tanks. Huge thanks to Pakkoyan for providing his weapons to make this war swift.

A TB-F-33 near-misses several shots from an A-40C, and its wing is still on fire despite barely getting hit. It's not bad building on the F-33's side, just the ridiculous power of the A-40C.

Now THERE'S the direct hit. Immediately the F-33 is plunged to the seafloor; the only thing capable of extinguishing the fires the Havoc II's rounds have inflicted upon it.

An A-52A leaves an entire mountainside in ruin after dropping its bombs on the bunker.

The Marauder II and Eagle ACI meet up after dealing their fair share of chaos and destruction onto the enemy territory.

Takusha armed with TUPL-gifted laser cannons identical to those on the A-40Si charges for the base and rips into it instantly.

Sunset departs, dusk arrives. The moon gets closer as the world's light dims. Yet it's still easy to see as the fires on the ground and guns still rages on.

The AMX-10M with an ARV-22-A1. The AMX-10M is promptly confused, as this ARV-22-A1 boasts its Arctic Camouflage in the middle of a Wright summer. Well, stealth wasn't really a requirement for this mission anyways.

The ARV-22-A1 in question drives through the fiery smoke of his own rockets as he blitzes two Imperial tanks. We're gonna name this ARV-22 "Miguel," because why not.

Ivan fires his laser at Imperial forces. Thankfully it was on straight-to-space mode, not the other one we will refuse to speak of...

An Imperial Jaguar II is cornered in by Takusha and Ivan. The Jaguar was captured, but surprisingly handed over to MDA forces.

Takusha gives Ivan a flyby as if saying "good work, comrade."

"FINISH HIM!" If you somehow weren't phased by everything else that happened, now the colossus himself has arrived to deploy his fighters and seal the night. Fun fact: This version of Lagwing is bigger than a B-984.

A squad of Lagwing-deployed fighters descend onto the land, preparing to contribute to the firestorm. This was the last attack of the night.

Surprisingly, it's actually over now. At least, that one raid. Will the war continue?
Let's find out.


MDA Allies:
@Pakkoyan (maker of the Soko J20s and RTAF U1-M used here)
@Alisuchanka (indirect- maker of the KV-2 used for Ivan's base)
@Noname918181818181818181 (indirect- maker of the Lagwing Supercarrier used here)

Imperial Team:

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    The final Lagwing picture is actually crazy; if you look at it from one point of view, it looks like the LW group is flying through a pinkish-yellow sunset sky as dark clouds from the smoke and fire rise, but from a different perspective you can see the reality that is a dark sky with a surprisingly bright cloud.

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    Link list:
    Skywolf 3.0
    Soko J20
    RTAF U-1M
    Flying T-34 Mk.II
    AMX-10M ACRA
    BTA-60 Enargite VII
    A-52A Marauder II EMCA
    F-15 ACI
    B-8B Sonic Strike
    XB-29 Tiltwing Superfortress
    MDA-S Excelsior
    TitanicBuff has so few posts you can basically just go to his profile for everything lol

    The Lagwing Supercarrier and ARV-22-A1 are unlisted, the A-40B-300, Ivan, and Current Flying T-34 aren't uploaded yet.

    2 months ago
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    1,697 JaxHere

    @theulrimateplanelover can you tag me in the posts of the planes you used?

    2 months ago
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    @TitanicBuff The guy in SILVERPANZER's post who destroyed and possessed the BTA-60s and alleged Shrike. Thermonuclear Psychopath originated during the M-War by unknown means, all we know is that he took over one of the M-99s and used it as a hos until it was seemingly destroyed by Ivan and Cy. However, he's somehow returned, and the world as we know it is at great risk.

    2 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover what's the thermonuclear psychopath

    2 months ago
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    @TitanicBuff Exactly
    Doesn't help that he failed to kill the Thermonuclear Psychopath back in the M-War too :v

    2 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover like no Ivan is the worst thing ever

    2 months ago
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    @TitanicBuff That's the idea, I was braindead when making him
    If you're going to fight this war, please keep up bro lol

    2 months ago
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    Ivan is stupid

    2 months ago
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    @JSTQ You do have a point...
    Good news is, we already have an inside agent. KPLBall could tell us if TitanicBuff and TypoA are the same person, because KPL is (allegedly) Typo's brother

    2 months ago
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    @Karroc9522 This is the length of your school essay? Dang you got it easy bro, I've written short summaries longer than this (for school)

    2 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro Why do I hear boss music

    2 months ago
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    42.6k ShinyGemsBro

    A̸̛̪̥n̷͕͇̝͌̉ǹ̷̰̺̯î̶̜̐̕h̶̘͆ͅi̸̪͐͝ĺ̷̟á̴͕͊̂̃͋t̷̛̩̮͉̱̒̅͗̽í̵̫̼̙̞̤̑̊͝o̷̞͍̽̿͂͒͜͝ñ̷̰͕̟̒̋ ̴͓͓̰̣͉̋̂̈́i̴̜͈̩͘m̶̬͔̭̣̆̉̅́͑m̸̘͓̋̏͝i̷̯͉̮̰͗͑ņ̶̘̘̗͊͂̅͊ͅe̸̢̛͍͓͚͐ń̸̼͕t̷͍̟̊̈́̔͝.̸̧̺̼̺̹̅̋̌̏̕ ̴̤̺͙̗̹̉̔P̸̠̗͕̉̄̑͌r̶̟̯͇̻̆͛̀o̸̟̭͗̓͠t̸̘̠̕o̷̩̿c̵̝̙̎̌̔̚͝õ̸͖̤̌͝l̷̨̟͊͋͘ ̸̻͉̦͛ş̴̰̣̤̲̎͛͑í̷̹͜n̶͇̉͋̂͝ģ̵̱̗̅̂̿͜ͅǘ̶͈͉̟͆̈́l̷̤͋͂͛̔ǎ̴̛̛̠͠r̴͓͎̄i̷̩̞̤̪͘ͅt̷͉̖̱͎̤͗̿ÿ̴͔́̌ ̸̭͎͘i̶̢̖̬̤̣̒̈́͑̇̕ň̸̡͍͉̥̉i̷̤͛̐̌̚͝t̶̫̳̑̈́̋̈́i̶̧̧̬̗̒̊̆͊͜a̴͉̙̰̿t̸̛̟̮͔̓͛͒̈ȩ̵̍̃̔̆̇d̴̰̹̏̀̇́́.̷̮̭̗͚̦͋͑̎̚

    J̴̮̥̲̔̃̓̓ͅǔ̶̺͂d̷̗͇̄̕g̶̜͎̯͉̎͒ę̵̹̠̠̓̊̓̕m̵̧̝͐̍͗͑͒ĕ̴̘̾̓͜ͅn̶̖̘͎͑̉̚͠t̶͉̅͜ ̶̡̬͚̆ȟ̶̝̦͆à̴͓͉̎̔͋̆s̵̗̉͝ ̸̧͔͘b̴̖̺̱̉̉e̷͈̓̚͝ḙ̶͋̀͝ń̷̝̜͓̭̘͊̄̏̋ ̸̖̄̅̉̄ǎ̴̛̞̪͇̞͘ẃ̷̹͔̆́͘ả̴̹͕̮̠͝k̶̛̗̾́͗ẽ̶̺̩͑͑́̅n̸̢̺̞̒̔ȩ̷̙͊́ͅd̷͎̩͑͜ͅ.̷̰͔̜̼̓̀͊

    2 months ago
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    12.7k Karroc9522

    Well after spending 10 minutes reading your report that was the length of my school essay, I say your bois had a blast 😂

    2 months ago
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    3,871 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover … Bro, don't you feel anything wrong? This guy suddenly appeared at the time of TYOPA's surrender, and the timing is quite suspicious. And his existing weapons and equipment can only be said to come from the same source as TYOPA. As an open and free game, theoretically, even friends would have different design ideas instead of blindly copying like this. Moreover, this war, which follows the same process as the last one (nuclear attack) and similar ridicule, is too respectful of history.

    After several meetings with the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Second Central Military Research Group of Antares proposed to MDA: Download the National Anti Fraud Center software APP as soon as possible

    2 months ago
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    Good to know.

    2 months ago
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    42.6k ShinyGemsBro

    J̴͎̚u̸͈͋ḏ̷̔̕g̶͇̲͝e̶̝͔̅͘m̵͕͘e̴̫̿ń̵̯͈t̸̬̽̈́ ̴͔̺̆̾h̷͖͌̚ä̸̻̻́s̷̨̤̕ ̷̝͓͝b̶̻͖̐̾e̵̜͒͐e̵̖̤̋̿n̶̲͇̅̈́ ̴̢̟͆̍ä̶͓̩́̾w̸̺͊ạ̵̘͛͑k̷͔̐ẻ̵̛͉̲n̵̢̟̓e̵̛͕d̴̞̱͛̇

    +2 2 months ago
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    @Dracul0Anderson Yes, I’ve undone all the flooding :)

    2 months ago
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    @JSTQ TitanicBuff is (allegedly) the cousin of TypoA, and has “followed in his footsteps.” However, TypoA himself has denounced war and now lives peacefully

    2 months ago
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    3,871 JSTQ

    …? Why is the enemy so familiar? Why is the war still going on? What did he do again?

    2 months ago
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    Skypark is preparing to mobilize our air and sea fleets against TB forces.

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover did you undo all the flooding?

    2 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics oh have fun (I assume you’re going on vacation)

    2 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover true nvm

    2 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics Aight

    2 months ago
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    I need an AI in my CFA, STAT!
    (I’m on break for the next 2 days)

    +1 2 months ago
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