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Check out this Landing

190k Zaineman  one month ago
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    13.6k o2o

    @Zaineman the new BO6?

    17 days ago
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    190k Zaineman

    @o2o I'm doing good. Haven't really been on simple planes, I've been making friends on COD and playing it.... lately..Z😺

    +1 17 days ago
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    13.6k o2o

    @Zaineman Hey zaine, how are ya? Been a bit.

    19 days ago
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    190k Zaineman

    @RealMicroZackSP Hey bud, sorry this took so long to do. I had to look up what pfp meant. Lol . How sad is that ? Lol anyways your picture is updated. Take it easy boss man Z😸

    +1 21 days ago
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    23.5k Neruneten21

    Bro got those A340 landing gear as his legs and feet.

    21 days ago
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    Smooth as butter.

    22 days ago
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    14.5k Noob101

    @Zaineman hey if possible if you know funky trees code can you possibly look in to this code it only works one way and restricts the movement on the other I'm trying to use it for car steering so the higher the speed the less turning angle so if you could look into it I would appreciate it. :D code clamp01(Yaw * (1/(GS/9)))

    25 days ago
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    2,164 Jmplane678

    nice 👍

    one month ago
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    @Zaineman my pfp you put on ur bio is outdated, can ye change it?

    +1 one month ago
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    190k Zaineman

    @RealMicroZackSP hey bud, can you tell me exactly what you mean and I will fix...Z😸

    +1 one month ago
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    @Zaineman i think my pfp you put on ur bio is outdated

    +1 one month ago
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    190k Zaineman

    @LunarEclipseSP Eclipse, Peep this vid..,lol Z😸

    +2 one month ago
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    31.8k Christiant2

    Bro watered that landing!🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣

    +2 one month ago
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    53.4k TheMouse


    +1 one month ago