13.7k o2o
Player Biography
Status: Inactive forever (maybe).
Originally Known as:
If you found this page cool and i dont know if you will read this but here we go…
Location: I'm from Texas. No, I'm not giving you my address. You want my social security number? Security Drake! Get this guy removed from here!
(Thank you JustWingIt for the joke I totally did not steal)
I love cars, F1 and FPV drones. My favorite car is the McLaren F1, as it is very fast for having an N/A engine and broke many records. The sound of that car is just heaven, especially in Forza Horizon 4!.
Bronze - around 3/16-2021
Silver - around 10/23-2021
Gold - 1/10-2022
Platinum - N/A
Goals Achieved:
I00 downloads - 9/16-2021
200 downloads - 10/7-2021
300 downloads - 11/3-2021
I0 upvotes - 12/16-2021 - because of @JustWingIt
500 downloads - 1/1-2022
I000 downloads - 2/6-2022
2000 downloads - 11/10-2022
I0,000 points - 12/14-2022
Thanks for reading!