So as you know, I've been on this community for a year now, with my first account (now deleted). I've made friends, saw a lot of drama. But I'm (maybe) leaving SP.
So.... why? My builds can't even rack up 25 upvotes anymore when a crappy B-1 gets 40 upvotes. People might say that it's just "internet points and it's just numbers that manipulate your mind". Upvotes is literally why i continued to make planes. When you see the upvotes go up you see it as progression. My year old builds doesn't get much upvotes, that's understandable cuz they suck but when i try my best and a shitty PEA aircraft surpasses me in upvotes. When you make good crafts and get surpassed by a random 9 year old's shitty build you think that people don't care about you and that your builds suck and you lose motivation. Plus with all of the drama going on you'll think that it's not worth it. This can be taken off the site but this place needs more moderation. As far as i know Silverwolf and Seeras were the only mods that are actually active and replies to people's help. How can just 2 people handle moderating a website with at least 100k people? Especially when they get older everyday and has their own life to take care of? This place needs more mods, and even if Silverwolf can do it all then we need more people to check the forums and videos and mods. Or at least transfer that job to other mods. I just don't feel like i liked SP as much as i did before. I've focused to other communities that were more alive and stable. Don't get me wrong SP is a small but humble community and it was really fun to explore the nooks and crannies that this place has to offer. But I'll have to take a break from now. And no i will still be checking the notifs sometime and maybe have a few convos. Maybe I'll make some builds if I'm bored, I'm still gonna be active in SP related discord servers. I'll have to say goodbye for sometime then. Have fun with your builds
Oh, and nah, I’m not quitting. I have some projects that is still in progress, and also some build ideas, I’m just lost interest in SP and maybe will return to this game if bored
Welcome to SimplePlanes, it seems you are enjoying your stay.
But anyways I also suffer from the same issues as you. I would gladly take the role as a mod as I have no life. But unfortunately this is not a fairytale, we all suffer in sp
@PlaneSpike Your answer don't make any sense, I don't understand how any builds could or should go to the front page if upvotes doesn't matter. They don't, don't get me wrong, but the front page as nothing to do with yes or no they're useless.
Yea, I guess you’re right. @MrSilverWolf
I dont really care about upvotes, what i care is people enjoying my builds.
Thats the main reason i didnt make my builds very part-hungry with all of the useless details
@intruder72 mate- just play and build for fun, not upvotes like me now.
@MrSilverWolf facts 🔥🔥🔥
I see, people do spend alot of time on biulds and do not get much notice. And if upvotes really did not matter then any biuld could go to the front page. Thats why I do not get happy when low quality biulds get so much upvotes, but a detailed and quality biuld gets less than 20 upvotes.
I think the featuring system should work differently than it used to...
What drama? I haven’t seen too much of it going on lately, unless something happened in the last few days I haven’t seen yet, additionally, I firmly believe the way to play SP isn’t for the upvotes, it is made for how you want to play the game, build and fly stuff that you enjoy, don’t build for others, some of my favorite builds are not even uploaded to the site, the site is just to give others a chance to enjoy what you like, if not, doesn’t matter as long as you enjoyed your build, upvotes are silly internet points, thats my take on it anyhow
@SILVERPANZER great effort and quality isn't becoming less appreciated by the community, actually, as a quality enjoyer, I don't often see quality builds out there today. Most players (you too) thinking that they make awesome stuff don't, it's not a bad thing, but being upset about it toward others is just stupid.
Yes,I feel that, too,When I try my best to do something,Originally, I often didn't pay attention,I can't figure it out,Why do they like low-quality things so much,When you spend your time and energy making these things,I can't get anything in return,This is sad
@ollielebanania The problem is that great effort and quality are becoming more and more unappreciated by the community, while memes and shitposts begin to become more and more popular.
I’ve never reached over 40 upvotes on a single build. The best I ever got was 36 and that was just over 4 years ago. Also, I too am losing interest. Not very many things inspire me to build in SP anymore. I kind of just… am scared to make anything like planes thanks to less than stellar interactions within the community.
I’m in the exact situation as you. Try my best, gets beat every time by some meme post or some MAPA copy that gets like 50 upvotes while I get around sub 20 upvotes. But hey. Im still here. Don’t quit.
Upvotes ain't progression, upvotes are the reflect of what the community likes.
If you play for others, there's no point playing, bye.
And honestly, your builds are good, but I don't really see why they should get more upvotes, they are pretty average, not trying to be rude, but it kinda upsets me people living because of that, play for yourself, have fun, and if you really play to get upvotes, just do pixel art, waifu related planes and memes, because that's what the community likes.
Well, I understand you.
I made a Tank from 1700 parts, which I spent a lot of time and effort on, but I received this Tank the same amount as my other builds, and in terms of downloads, this Tank received less than 300 downloads, which disappointed me.
Deez ducks has also been active recently, when silver was inactive for a week. However, I agree, the moderation has been somewhat slow, especially recently.
Also, ignore other peoples points. Dont compare yourself to them. Compare yourself to how much worse you were in the past, and then you will see huge improvement.
Have a good life.
Goodbye mate. Have a good life.