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Shadow PSA: My life changed

194 Shadow03  one month ago

Gather around everyone! I am about to say something very very important that will be life changing for all of you:

I drank some water this moring, it was very refreshing :3
This changed my life, I was no longer dehydrated.

Stay tuned for more equally important PSAs. I will also make very important Surveys about things such as: what should I eat for breakfast?

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    20.6k LM0418

    Very life changing

    one month ago
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    34.8k Graingy

    @Randomplayer I’m gonna hit you with a stick

    +1 one month ago
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    Please, for the love of God, all of y’all need to make sure you’re hydrating

    one month ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    @SkibiToiletFan4yearold you have competition 👀

    one month ago