196 Shadow03

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joined 9 months ago

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Welcome to my totally original bio

mY fAVoUrITe pLAnEs:

also here is a photo of my cat:

My list of friends:
- My hamster
- Andrew Garrison (trust me bro, we are besties)
- The entire moderator team (frfr bro, they are all my friends, I would never lie)
- The President of the United States of America
- That random guy in the bus stop who warned me not to step into dog poop
- That one person who upvoted my post once
- That other person who upvoted my post once
- That one user whose name I once saw in a comment section. He was plat so I will make sure to tag him on all of my posts in hopes that he'll spotlight them out of pity
- That user who once replied "ok" to my comment. I think we are true besties

Previously known as PointlessNameChange1, PointlessNameChange2, PointlessNameChange3, PointlessNameChange4, 6233564761564654, ShadowShadowTheMan (haha omg this is so funny), 9381923821, 69420 (hahaha I can't stop laughing), miiWini (get it? because I changed WiiMini's name. omg peak humor), Shadow03, Shadow03, Shadow03 (haha, because it's my current name several times haha)