In SP, you might test the weapons on your plane by using a target. For ground target’s, it’s easy: the USS Beast! (or the convoy) But I wonder what other people use for an air target. I use the Ai Tanker, or, If I want to test it in a real fight, the Ai Enemy.
Now here’s the question:
What do you use for an Ai target?
I just use any aircraft without flares, for ground I use the USS tiny and USS Beast and if I can, the Ice Base thingy
I also dogfight my new jets in the dogfight mode to see how they did in combat
and for fun too
They spawned in by the in-game ai.
I used the variations of my "dogfighter" propeller plane.
Like the auto gun, contra prop, or the failed cockpit version.
I made a propeller driven and a jet powered drone which I haven't used that much which is also based on real world aircraft, the hellcat and a soviet early jet (forgot it's name, you can find them in my profile if interested)
Yeah I use the tanker to, but for fighting I use ANY of my planes without flares
I used a propeller plane as a shooting target for my missile tests, if I'm not mistaken it was called the B-72 Jad.
I have my one test aircraft called "Test Drone".
Here it is
It is actually armed, just a simple autoaim gun, but it can still shoot ya down if you're not careful
i use Tutorial bastard
(modified and monsterous tutoural plane)
These things only know only one thing, kamikazing into you on the runway
I made it unneccesairily agressive by modifying its ai using funky trees
@CrestelAeronautics Yep
The AI fighter is unrealistically quick to turn. Not a good candidate for a test opponent.
So TU-4s
Basically anything that...
-Can fly via AI
-Doesn't have the FRCM S-25
-Won't crash my game from lag
-Is a Tu-4
Bold of you to assume I use Ai targets, I just shoot at what spawns in
@WisconsinStatePolice, Same. I got like 7 different bombers so thats what i usually target.
Ehhhh I use my dive bomber and my torpedo bombers, they are quite slow and are poorly armed.
Air: whatever spawns in
Ground: I love visually searching for and engaging the Maywar convoy with semi-vr CAS aircraft though
If it flies, you can best believe I'll fire on it
AI spawns are open targets regardless of what they are
I use a unarmed PZL-153, F6F-5N, or the P-51B
Tankers. I just love watching them blow up.
Otherwise, I will just manualy spawn my own planes from my save files.