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Funky fried whatrees eet ees. (NewGame+)

13.4k Grob0s0VBRa  6 months ago

I've messed a bit with variables and FT stuff and need a bit more brain-powah.
Almost all stuff can be set for a local (non-main-cockpit) flight computer part on a drone (anything that moves freely from the main vehicle).
Pitch angle, Pitch rate and so on - with just variable output of the part...
Local AngleOfAttack and AngleOfSlip - with a couple formulas in the variable setter...
But, somehow, making local GForce and VerticalG became a pain...
I supposed all it needs are g, Acceleration and AngularVelocity values, and i
kinda found them. But still cant make it correct.

For short: How to GForce/VerticalG for not main cockpit?

You thought that was all?
1) Got Unity 2020.3.26
2) Once again remade propulsion for upcoming hovertank(s) ( new things are good forgotten ones, but with a twist)
3) things may get a damage model (you shoot off camera/radar= less auto aim accuracy, shot off engine= couple seconds of stun and so on)
4) Inverse Kinematics are pretty
5) Am i overcomplicating much?
6) Nah, i'd format.


The sphere segment

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    Imagine a sphere of radius R, with horizontal circles intersecting it. The radius of the great circle in the middle also has radius R. The circles above and below it will have radii of (R sin t), where t is the angle up or down from the horizontal. A circle will be of scale (sin t) compared to the great circle.
    A label in the setup represents a certain horizontal angle. And if the label has a circular curvature, the vertical position of text should be linearly related to the vertical angle.

    +1 one month ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    1) Ok
    2) i know, but if size of symbols is not changed when placed higher/lower they begin to overlap much. I'm curious if math may help solve that or its better just scale symbols manually?
    Brought screenies of current situation
    3) Uhu, i'll try something different then.

    Yet again thanks for response.

    one month ago
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    Seems like you can't. Disabling the /Water object still keeps water physics. You can try to lower the sea level by a large number using ServiceProvider, such that it goes out of render distance. It MIGHT affect air physics and the altitude reading (I can't check without building a mod)
    There is no one-part method. The easiest way is to use a horizontal circle of vertical curvature labels.
    The easy way is to check when the input passes a smaller number. However, if players press the button for too long, then they must release it for longer as well, or the FT will drop inputs. I used this in my cars, e.g.,
    SETTER InputShiftUp:
    rate(Yaw>0.2)>1 & TimeSinceGearChange>0.1
    I tried making wooting rapid trigger but since game inputs update every frame (Update), and multiple variable setter updates happen every frame (FixedUpdate), it doesn't work reliably. Variables will see inputs increasing or decreasing in multiple steps.

    +1 one month ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @hpgbproductions Caramelldansen intensifies
    Good day/nicht.
    I've eventually got a couple more questions over time so:

    1) How to water=0 in mods (delet water, yep)?

    2) Is there is a way to make a sphere out of label pieces (kinda using curvature for vertical slices), but with a twist, so symbols (dashes for example) in label are not overlapping much (an acceptable little hole on the poles is, well, acceptable)?

    3) I'm trying to replicate Nagisa's stuff, and wanted to implement evade maneuvers simillarly to dashes in fighting games (Tekken, Mortal kombat), two fast taps to execute maneuver for short, the problem is keyboard input doesn't instantly outputs 1/-1 be it Roll, Yaw, Pitch. So, can FT help with that?

    p.s. little ai aggro thingie that could
    also pardon if annoying.

    one month ago
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    28.2k blt

    @Grob0s0VBRa tag me when you release somethin
    btw it’s fine for the late response

    +1 5 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @TTL Ah, ow.
    Yeah, i'm still making stuff.
    Just because i'm creating a little bit of everything (planes, ground stuff, funky trees, experimental subassemblies, map mod...)
    the process is kinda slow.
    But i'm still building.
    don't miss me, i'll make a teaser of things that are closest to be finished.
    Pardon for a late response.

    +1 5 months ago
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    28.2k blt

    @Grob0s0VBRa no like are you making planes anymore
    either that or I’m just figment of your imagination
    (If you are reading this, clap twice,
    honey we miss you)

    5 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @TTL What jets?
    I've never deleted my posts...
    Am i missing something?
    The only thing that i ever lost are screenshots that were in discord...

    5 months ago
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    28.2k blt

    @Grob0s0VBRa where your latest Jets now

    5 months ago
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    @Grob0s0VBRa whaaa?

    5 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @overlord5453 Lol, you can...
    not with just codes ofc, but still.
    Here is basic demo

    5 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @hpgbproductions Thanks for help.
    Eh, seasonal allergy draws my brainpower...
    Anyways, gotta go finish reusable missile subassembly

    6 months ago
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    This is an approximation that only works in steady conditions. It over-reports any spikes in aircraft rotation velocity, so I would use some kind of damping function with it.
    If assuming a "normal" plane, car, etc. (no hovering or drifting/PSM), then x- and y-components of velocities are small ==> velocity = z-component.
    Finally, for planes, assume z-component is always positive, so we can just use GS.
    Idk how to get velocity components in a way that isn't affected by wind, or that requires very long formulas and suffers from floating point loss of significance. But i guess you can assume wind speed is small as well
    Static rotational component (by convention, positive when gravity acts against that direction)
    x: cos(PitchAngle) * sin(RollAngle)
    y: cos(PitchAngle) * cos(RollAngle)
    z: sin(PitchAngle)
    Magnitude of the static rotational component will always be 1 (or Newton will break your kneecaps)
    Dynamic rotational component (positive when centripetal acceleration is in that direction)
    x: GS * YawRate * (pi/180) / 9.81
    y: GS * -PitchRate * (pi/180) / 9.81
    z: 0
    (If you have individual components of GS, you will find that each component is affected by two GS-rotation pairs)
    Translational component
    (If you have the individual components, you should use them)
    x: 0
    y: 0
    z: rate(GS) / 9.81

    +2 6 months ago
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    You can't get Altitude above ground level either. It would have been really helpful.

    6 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    No, you're not first

    6 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @hpgbproductions Good day/night Nachchan
    So, i've heard somebody is bored...
    any suggestions on the topic of in-game physics?

    +1 6 months ago