So i have noticed the MP in SP is dead. Very dead. I have only seen one server that had a max of 4 players for about 15 mins. So i made this post to tell you guys on which servers work best.
The server that you should go for is it is so far the only server that i know of that works. If you have any other servers that work and are active please let me know.
BTW, made this post after i played multiplayer, left, then came back and everyone was gone. Everyone pls join me and help save multiplayer!
Good news! Multiplayer appears to be improving! I have seen a max of 5 for about a half hour! Keep it up!
BTW you need a COMPUTER to run multiplayer. I dont want to get swarmed with people asking "CaN yOu RuN Mp oN MoBiLe?"
server is down
@Boeing727200F WHAT!!?? WHAT!!?? No....
uhhhhh, i don't think the server is still running
@RepublicofWrightIsles I like when planes run on ai. I made a seris of dive bombers(8 different models) and they make up 50 percent of spawns.
@THEOKPILOT @MAPA? They make good AI planes
@RepublicofWrightIsles who is that?
@THEOKPILOT I like mapa planes
@RepublicofWrightIsles Me too. My goal is too make planes that look good, but also have a low part count.
@THEOKPILOT I have tons of simple planes
@THEOKPILOT my laptop is charging.... I haven't used it in years!
@RepublicofWrightIsles ok. But im not plauing the computer rn... maybe in a couple mins.
@RepublicofWrightIsles i mean, it only lags when a bunch (like 4) people join with a total part count of about 1500.
@THEOKPILOT ok, I have a laptop
@RepublicofWrightIsles yeah. I use my 2015 era laptop.
@RepublicofWrightIsles my mom was ruining me couldnt respond, sorry!
@RepublicofWrightIsles of course. I use a laptop.
@THEOKPILOT I don't have a computer, can you run it on Lap Top?
@SpartanSR91 @RepublicofWrightIsles @DogthatmakesPlanes