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I'm taking a break

2,002 Less7joke  10 days ago

Yeah...i'm taking a break from this site,I've been feeling under the weather lately. I'll post the next build when I'm better

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    20.5k LM0418

    @Paris88LinkAlternatif MrSilverWolf offers an excellent ban experience and great consequences. Highly recommended for anyone who loves bans and shuns.

    10 days ago
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    @Paris88LinkAlternatif we don't want what u r selling!

    10 days ago
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    27.3k 126

    @THEOKPILOT a bot, sp along with so many other sites have had bot problems for years, and im pretty sure it takes more than just improved captcha to fix it.

    10 days ago
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    @Paris88LinkAlternatif who R U?

    10 days ago
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    GeT beTTer

    10 days ago
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    2,002 Less7joke

    @TheMouse hopefully...

    10 days ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    Dont die!

    +1 10 days ago