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Rip to the 2977 people who died on 9/11

53.4k TheMouse  8 days ago

23 years ago today, terrorists hijacked 4 airplanes, crashing two into the world trade center, and one into the pentagon. The last plane crashed into a field due to the courageous actions of the passengers on board, refusing to allow more people to be murdered.
They will forever live on in our memory.

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    15.4k BYardley

    Ohh I'm so late, respect to all those who died in 9/11


    Pinned 6 days ago
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    May they rest in peace... ❤️

    Victims of one of the worst terrorist attacks in American history.

    Pinned 7 days ago
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    RIP the 2977 victims of all 4 flights and in the pentigon and wtc

    Pinned 8 days ago
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    4,792 Rb2h

    And I respect the great efforts of the firemen who gave their lives that day to help trapped victims.

    Pinned 8 days ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    Disrespect in the comments will not be tolerated.

    Pinned 8 days ago
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    @TheMouse yay

    3 days ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    I remember you :)

    3 days ago
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    @TheMouse Remember me you are the one who joined my challenge and your place is top 1 congrats Also press F to pay respect to the people who died guys

    +1 3 days ago
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    27.3k 126

    @Graingy i see...

    +1 5 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @126 My opinion on the USA is… mixed.
    As for 9/11 specifically, I definitely have sympathy for those affected. I just don’t think it’s sacred.

    +1 5 days ago
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    27.3k 126

    @Graingy i know, but since a moderator with a username im not going to mention just incasee he sees this really doesn't like those kinds of jokes (and from what I've heard usually gave anyone a strike for joking about 9/11 but for some reason only gave a slap on the wrist for people who doxx someone, basically double standards) i shouldn't really be surprised, also, wait, i thought you're supporting the us? either the comment that i remember is you being sarcastic, or I'm misremembering things? idk anymore

    +1 5 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @126 Then the Mods would need to grow a spine. I’m not one to shout “snowflake”, but to silence any and all sign of discussion over an issue such as this (i.e. is it permissible to make jokes about a 23-year old tragedy, assuming not explicitly disrespectful in their content) while favouring a given side would be borderline draconian.
    I realize that 9/11 was a horrible event that hurt a lot of people, I’m not that ignorant, however it is not some sacred holy day to be forever protected from any and all satire or parody. This applies, especially in my view, outside the US where the patriotic (or, often, nationalistic) angle does not apply.
    Is my pun a little tasteless? Sure, but not enough to warrant the moderators stepping in. It’s not like I’m the one who made 9/11 simulator. That is a completely different scale, I think.

    +1 5 days ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    Mods be like: ban hammer time?

    5 days ago
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    27.3k 126

    @Graingy i know, im telling you that because im afraid that by commenting that your account will be smited by the moderators

    +1 5 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @126 It is terribly easy. As they say, tragedy + time = comedy.
    That's not to say I don't realize the scale of the tragedy (and, for that matter, how significantly many others dwarf it), trust me, I do, but not being able to take the slightest amount of dark amusement in something is just being a killjoy. Comedy thrives in the subversion of expectations and social norms, after all.

    +1 6 days ago
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    27.3k 126

    @CaptainNoble idk, i just didn't feel like using "gen alpha" so...

    6 days ago
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    27.3k 126

    @Graingy i mean... why comment a pun on a 9/11 memorial post of all things?

    +1 6 days ago
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    Great job, Flight 93

    Flight 93 was supposed to hit either the Capitol building or the White House, but the passengers crashed it into a field in Pensylvania. The pnly casualties of that flight were the passengers and hijackers, instead of all the people in one of those buildings

    +2 6 days ago
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    32.6k CaptainNoble

    @126 "lil timmy", I can't 😂😂

    +1 6 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @126 ?

    7 days ago
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    @126 what did he do because he deleted this comments

    7 days ago
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    May all those souls rest in heaven

    +1 7 days ago
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    27.3k 126

    why? why @Graingy?

    +1 7 days ago
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    10.1k TTL

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 bro should never cook again

    +1 7 days ago
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    @Graingy Buddy.

    +1 7 days ago
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