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Opinion on low effort builds with very high recognition?

3,859 JuliaAircraft  19 days ago

I'm very "central sided" about this, but i wanna know how you guys feel about it.

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    Many who are good, do not receive much recognition and strive to see the light shine for them, and many make ridiculous constructions and/or destroy other people's constructions, they receive a lot of points or end up on the first page, it is quite sad.

    6 days ago
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    The rock running the Graingy account. They upload quite a few trashposts of varying quality.

    13 days ago
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    @OrangeConnor2 whos that

    13 days ago
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    Anything to discredit Grain.

    13 days ago
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    @OrangeConnor2 i would say yes

    13 days ago
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    @TTL Sounds like something a biased person would say.

    +1 13 days ago
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    12.0k TTL

    @OrangeConnor2 erm nuh uh
    biased am not

    13 days ago
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    12.0k TTL

    @Dragoranos truth. 60% (no stat) of these platinum tryhards become too tryhard for upvotes.
    After all, it’s what you should enjoy building, not about what others or the points that they give you.

    13 days ago
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    12.0k TTL

    @ShiroNeko yeah, it feels as if things have changed since I joined 4 years ago.

    13 days ago
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    What about trashposts? Are those considered low effort?

    14 days ago
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    @OrangeConnor2 what i mean is that the person who built the airplane or anything else didn't actually put any effort into it, just put some random stuff and tweaks and called it a day

    15 days ago
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    But what one may consider high effort another may consider a trivial endeavor.
    Where do I fall, in your view?

    15 days ago
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    @OrangeConnor2 low effort at all

    17 days ago
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    Also, perhaps define “low effort”. Do you mean low effort, or low skill?

    18 days ago
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    Depends. Is it a “””First Plane”””(TM) getting hundreds? I’m judgemental. Is it a clever idea with less than stellar execution? I can be sympathetic.

    +1 18 days ago
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    18 days ago
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    If you're talking about upvotes, well I just don't care about them

    18 days ago
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    34.6k Graingy

    @Rb2h Coward.
    I am going to use alt identities to take over Poland.

    18 days ago
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    5,276 Rb2h

    @Graingy Don't put politics into this

    18 days ago
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    34.6k Graingy

    @jamesPLANESii Damn that's genius
    Can this be used to influence foreign politics?

    18 days ago
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    @Krmometer i would say something about yours but nevermind

    +1 19 days ago
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    787 Krmometer

    A person's value is clearly measured in their points.

    +1 19 days ago
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    It is susge and/or says a lot about our society

    19 days ago
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    33.0k CaptainNoble

    like I've said before, "m_atr*ders and yes-men" are the only reason these builds get recognition, Its best to realize that a lot of times upvotes are barely based off quality hence, they shouldn't stop you from enjoying the game

    19 days ago
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    5,450 overlord5453

    I only upvote builds where actual effort went into. I get it, you want to support these new guys but before you upvote, before saying "let's take this to front page", take a moment and look at the build itself and you will know how much effort actually went in there. I have seen multiple good builds by relatively new players go unnoticed while these first planes get to the front page.

    +3 19 days ago
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