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Weird things in MC ED

1,485 THEOKPILOT  4 months ago

So about like... 4 months ago, i started this multiplayer world with my bro. I played on Minecraft Education, as in my mind, it had all the things in normal MC and more. Since we were both kinda noobs, we started off in creative, got ourselves gear(iron armor), and made keepinventory true. First thing we noticed was a bunch of items. Hundreds. All types, scattered over a 10 block area. They mostly consisted of random, useless stuff, podzol, grass blocks, dirt, stone, but also buckets, both empty and full. Strange. So anyway though, i went on exploring, and found a 4 tall, 4 wide staircase down to a cave. It may have just been terrain generation.... of it may have been something else. About 3 months ago, i started a MC educational project with my school. Via class connect, i tried to play a MP world with 2 students, but the game never loaded. It was really weird. It would work when playing alone, but it never worked in the class connect. I still dont get it. I have never played said world again, and i cant watch more than 2 Minecraft creepypasta videos with out getting paranoid. Im not kidding. This is serious stuff.

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    1,485 THEOKPILOT

    It happened again:

    Ok so my story starts off when I join around 6:00 PM 10/19/2024. After accidently clicking F (causing the fog to become very thick) i decide to make a creepy tunnel under a mountain (like herobrine). The tunnel system is huge, with it branching off a LOT. About 30 mins later, I go AFK for LITERALLY 15 SECONDS to get some water. when I come back, I notice that I have been blocked off in my tunnel. The only person on the server is AFK and far away. i understandably FREAK OUT. I RUN, going down this tunnel and that tunnel, until I end up back at my house (where the tunnel starts at). After this, I notice something, a nametag in the tunnel. but... this doesn't make sense. I just noticed this JUST AFTER i left, meaning the person would need to go by me to get into said tunnel. but, i didnt see them walking by. I Decided to see where they were in the tunnel, but as I went into my basement to get into the tunnel, they... disappeared. I'm NOT KIDDING. Literally GONE. No chat message saying they left. i quickly sealed off said tunnel, and then my entire house eventually. i built a new one.

    After this, I thought i had solved the problem. Nothing weird happened for a long time. After this i noticed a brick pyramid someone made. I liked it, and since it was hollow and had a entrance, I decided to enter. after solving the simple maze inside, I stepped out. But then I heard it. A cave sound. Note that classicube doesnt HAVE cave sounds, as well as you can only get them IN A CAVE. I freaked out again.

    BTW, i wasn't sure whether i shoud put this in "I need help", as i was worried that I would get banned if the moderators thought it was fake. I SWEAR, it isnt, but the moderators might think otherwise.

    3 months ago
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    1,485 THEOKPILOT

    The text you are about to read is copied and pasted from a document i made about this. `I was playing a new plains survival multiplayer world with my brother on my laptop. After fighting a bunch of mobs, I noticed a large almost man-made crevasse in the wall of a mountain that I thought would be great for a house. However, as we approached, I noticed something on the ground. Items. Thousands of items. Me and my brother quickly scooped them up, not sure what to think. We put them in a separate chest from our stuff in our soon-to-be house. I still have no explanation for the crevasse and the stuff, but it doesn’t seem very natural, not just part of the game. The next day we went mining. I found around 35 iron and 28 coal and my brother found close to the same. However, as I exited, I found what appeared to be a staircase. After that, I went over to investigate a very suspicions lava flow you can see in the crevasse snapshot. When I blocked up and went around I found the lava was flowing from a very man-made-looking hole. (I now realize this is normal, the lava hole.) When I blocked off the lava flow to stop it temporarily, I noticed the lava flowed into a very deep also man-made-seeming hole (Don't understand this one.) I also noticed a lava pit near the lava flow. Something was different about it though… there was a flowy bit as if someone had scooped up some. This seemed to coincide with the fact we found a lava bucket amongst the items. After this, I went and explored one of the MANY caves in the biome. For some reason there was a random piece of gravel leading deeper into the cave. If that wasn’t enough, the gravel kept going further. It felt almost like a trail. But as I followed the blocks, it led to nowhere.

    3 months ago
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    1,485 THEOKPILOT

    @Randomplayer i got those.

    4 months ago
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    14.9k Randomplayer

    I need Screenshots.

    4 months ago
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    @THEOKPILOT I like minecraft

    4 months ago
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    1,485 THEOKPILOT

    @RepublicofWrightIsles yeah its minecraft.

    4 months ago
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    @THEOKPILOT oh its minecraft

    4 months ago
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    @THEOKPILOT what's MC, is it multi-player simple planes

    4 months ago
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    4 months ago
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    1,485 THEOKPILOT

    @RepublicofWrightIsles , you need to see this. Btw, have you ever played MC?

    4 months ago