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Graingy Survey: How Much Sleep Are You Getting 2

34.3k Graingy  3 days ago

Did this before ages ago. Couldn't be bothered to find a link because I got less than one hour.
Life sucks.
How about you folk?

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    34.3k Graingy
    Pinned 2 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I envy you.

    19 hours ago
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    @Graingy I already have
    I just lay on the floor 24/7 XD

    22 hours ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Some day I am gonna crash and not get back up.

    +1 23 hours ago
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    @Graingy Ohhh, 55 minutes of sleep

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    34.3k Graingy

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I am fucking exhausted

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    @Graingy ??

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    34.3k Graingy

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover 55 minutes.

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    I am... the one who knocks.

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    34.3k Graingy

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover That's... not possible? At least, improbable. If we can't figure it out, I doubt you can either (whatever it is you are).

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    @Graingy Then I’ma make one

    2 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover If the post was clear enough, there are only a few lines known in the solar system. There's no salt rocks to adopt.

    2 days ago
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    @Graingy oh
    Not even via adoption?

    2 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Nope.

    2 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @126 mood

    2 days ago
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    @Graingy But Grain guy
    All the same
    You must have at least one distant salt relative

    2 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @TheMouse Long have you slumbered...

    2 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @FlirBlitz That's not sleeping that's called falling over and hitting your head.

    2 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover My cousins are not salt. Salt lines are nonexistent.

    2 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @Ashdenpaw1 Quit diagnosing people with furry, they haven't shown symptoms yet.
    Also, at least do them the dignity of not being generic. Something like, idk, utahraptor would be better.

    2 days ago
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    27.3k 126


    2 days ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    In your time zone, I have not sleeped in the past few years. However, before that, I was asleep for several decades, so it makes sense.

    2 days ago
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    About 7 during the week and about 9 in the weekends

    +1 2 days ago
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    17.1k FlirBlitz


    +1 2 days ago
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    7-8 hours

    2 days ago
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