Did this before ages ago. Couldn't be bothered to find a link because I got less than one hour.
Life sucks.
How about you folk?
Did this before ages ago. Couldn't be bothered to find a link because I got less than one hour.
Life sucks.
How about you folk?
Thanks, Talon
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I envy you.
@Graingy I already have
I just lay on the floor 24/7 XD
@TheUltimatePlaneLover Some day I am gonna crash and not get back up.
@Graingy Ohhh, 55 minutes of sleep
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I am fucking exhausted
@Graingy ??
@TheUltimatePlaneLover 55 minutes.
I am... the one who knocks.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover That's... not possible? At least, improbable. If we can't figure it out, I doubt you can either (whatever it is you are).
@Graingy Then I’ma make one
@TheUltimatePlaneLover If the post was clear enough, there are only a few lines known in the solar system. There's no salt rocks to adopt.
@Graingy oh
Not even via adoption?
@TheUltimatePlaneLover Nope.
@126 mood
@Graingy But Grain guy
All the same
You must have at least one distant salt relative
@TheMouse Long have you slumbered...
@FlirBlitz That's not sleeping that's called falling over and hitting your head.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover My cousins are not salt. Salt lines are nonexistent.
@Ashdenpaw1 Quit diagnosing people with furry, they haven't shown symptoms yet.
Also, at least do them the dignity of not being generic. Something like, idk, utahraptor would be better.
In your time zone, I have not sleeped in the past few years. However, before that, I was asleep for several decades, so it makes sense.
About 7 during the week and about 9 in the weekends
7-8 hours