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Man… so many great people are leaving us…

7,852 GabrielSatori  18 days ago

Yozora Mel
Minato Aqua
and MAPA here too

Man, 2024 is just a bad year.

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    1,201 THEOKPILOT

    @ComradeSandman also, we are over the whole other incident, right?

    2 days ago
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    1,201 THEOKPILOT

    @ComradeSandman i think he meant that we should not contest others opinions as, they are, opinions! @ollielebanania i do think that if you disagree with someone though, they CAN put it up on a website. everyone has their own opinion.

    2 days ago
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    And I doubt that's the majority opinion. Fact is, people are social and like the approval of their peers. It's just how things are.

    It's ok to not like a game as much as somebody else, but don't put it on the website.

    What do you mean by this?

    +1 15 days ago
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    @ComradeSandman Once again, I started playing without knowing about the website.
    Today, even tho it took a big place, I would totally play without it.
    I rarely download people's builds.
    I do think this game is fun, it's only my opinion of course but all that matters for me is the total liberty it gives me when it comes to building stuff, and, oh, it's a sandbox game so it sound pretty logical.
    Why improve when there's nobody to share your stuff with ? For yourself, that's what a hobbie is, something you do for yourself.
    It's ok to not like a game as much as somebody else, but don't put it on the website.

    +2 16 days ago
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    @ollielebanania @ollielebanania

    Would you still play SP if it had no website?

    That's the key word, isn't it?
    Admit it: This game is boring as hell. The only thing that keeps it from getting old almost instantly is the human factor. A sandbox this open (and empty of features) can only be sustained by player content and interaction. Without SP is nothing. Just a game you get, play a couple times, and then forget about forever when you've done everything. Why improve if there's nobody to share your progress with?

    +1 16 days ago
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    16 days ago
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    @ComradeSandman yes, yes it did.
    As a person who started playing this game without even knowing about the website and the posibility to share builds, upvotes were really the very last thing I cared about when I discovered this place.
    Sharing something doesn't require any point system, people caring about them just didn't get the point of this game.

    16 days ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    Isnt upvote equivalent to likes?
    It functions the same as likes though

    16 days ago
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    @TheCommentaryGuy Isn't the internet a wonderful place...
    I genuinely don't know how you can make an accurate replica and still get the scale so off. Isn't that what Fine Tuner is for?

    +2 16 days ago
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    @ollielebanania Did the entirety of what I wrote go over your head?
    Would you still play SP if it had no website? If there was no sharing? Because that is, whatever you may or may not claim to the contrary, what you just proposed. The whole reason this site exists is to share one's efforts with others.

    +1 16 days ago
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    @PPLLAANNEE @TheGliderGuy Tank u

    16 days ago
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    MAPA was pretty good at making A.I builds, but not much more, the three others are just randoms ?

    I mean, it's nothing compared to when bogdan or spiritus left the game, these players really added something to the game boy being here and posting stuff.
    Today the playerbase is just less good than yesterday and most players can't build anything good, that's also why people just a little better than others end in forum posts like this when they leave.

    But the reality is that most of their builds can be done by all of you reading this, with some effort...of course...

    +3 16 days ago
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    @ComradeSandman they're still points tho...even if it is the reflection of what people "might" think of your build, it's just being an idiot to build for others to react.
    Grow up.

    16 days ago
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    2,004 Numbers2

    🤓☝️There's always the best talents leaving or the well known but this frees up space for new ones to come through

    +2 16 days ago
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    @LM0418 and when we told him to rescale this planes because its so out of scale, we got blocked and got shitted on by MAPA's glazers.

    +2 16 days ago
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    @L1nus Now now, there are only perfect little angels at childrens’ funerals.
    Sarcasm, of course.

    17 days ago
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    35.4k TheGliderGuy

    @ComradeSandman i agree

    +1 17 days ago
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    62.7k PPLLAANNEE

    @ComradeSandman this has to be the best analysis of upvotes i've seen on this site.

    +2 17 days ago
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    20.6k LM0418

    So many ppl are glazing MAPA rn
    I get that he made innovative AI builds and I did appreciate them too but like what @L1nus said he made planes that were extremely out of scale and I often had to rescale them myself. No hate but this is just my take

    +4 17 days ago
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    @TheGliderGuy While people (especially Mods) love to say that points don't matter, it cannot, and should not, be understated that the reason many people build stuff on SP, or do things at all in this world, is for the reactions and, hopefully, support, of other people. Most, spare the occasional mouse, sentient plane/tank, or living rock, on this website are human. Humans are social creatures, and many of them will go to great lengths to impress their peers.
    Seeing that a great, long effort, intended by and large to impress others, turn out bust or overshadowed can be greatly disheartening. Do keep in mind that upvotes regulate visibility through Top and Hot lists, as well as sorting by Best on a profile. Most people on this site probably aren't playing this game in a vacuum. It's not about how fast or how maneuverable your jet is, or how technically advanced its paneling or FunkyTrees is, it's about if other people like it, and if your time spent was worth it.
    So while the numbers may not be super important, they indicate others' reactions, which very much so are.
    There are other qualities to this, of course. Getting a bunch of upvotes on a trash can may be much less satisfying that getting a couple on something you worked really hard on/care about strongly, but with comments of praise and deep encouragement (that is, about the features of the craft/effort itself, rather than simply being a new player. That's a different sort of support).

    +4 17 days ago
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    5,769 F16xl


    +1 17 days ago
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    i think 2025 will be way better

    +2 17 days ago
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    35.4k TheGliderGuy

    @Default4 yea i mean imagine you make one of the best general aviation builds on simple airplanes and you only get around 50 upvotes, and while there are people who just build with 100 parts and get the same amount of upvotes if not more ,it's not motivating at all.

    not like upvotes are everything, but i think a lot of people stop because they don't feel appreciated for the build that they make while other people might make simplers build and get way more attention.

    I think most people dont really care about points, i dont really care atleast. but some might take the game serious and find it unfair that some people get more attention.
    dont take the point system too seriously. because remember this is a VIDEO GAME.

    Thanky ou for my ted talk

    +5 17 days ago
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    26.2k Default4

    Mal0ne really left? tf?

    17 days ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I belleve it is both, not willing to explain because I'm sure people will either bring up politics and/or scream at me.

    17 days ago
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