I have done this for about a year now and just recently made a teaser and found it got taken down by a mod. I did forget to put 'Do Not Download' in big font so maybe that's the problem, I hope to get more mods options as well as players
- DogeBread
Is it not allowed to post a teaser without the actual plane?
11.7k DogedogebreadWithAnAK47
2 months ago
yeah, I've messed up for a while. dang
Posting teasers as builds is mostly problematic because in this case, it's violating the "misleading thumbnail" rule as you are just uploading a cockpit part but have a full plane on your thumbnail.
As others have already suggested here, posting teasers as forums or videos would be better.
I should have said that, yes, those are also quite common.
I forgot :skull:
@TheMouse you can also make a video teaser. I’ve done it before
Posting teasers as builds, plus the 'Do Not Download' or 'Do Not Upvote' title
It looks like a upvote bait for sure
@overlord5453 @TheMouse
Teasers have to be in the forums as far as I know.
And you can't make or search for any other tags. Those are all the tags available.
is right there. Right after clicking new post you will be met with a list of tags and you will find teaser there. We are talking about forum posts right?@overlord5453
I couldn't find the teaser tag I typed it in and it wouldn't pop up
You can post screen shots here in forums and give a
tag which is better.