Heres the SST so far! If anyone wants to help a bit they can! But this is my Math Class SST and its looking great!
SST Progress Has STARTED!
37.9k Christiant2
4 months ago
Heres the SST so far! If anyone wants to help a bit they can! But this is my Math Class SST and its looking great!
This was made from a failed DC 8 😭😭
@Christiant2 my God your a genius! I WILL HOPE TO FEEL LIKE SHIT TOMORROW!
Wow that's a sad thing to hope for
@Karroc9522 lol. Don't get well soon! (No school!)
@Christiant2 you said math. I have math tomorrow. Me and my brother have a stupid thing where if we say math before we start school, the math for the week sucks. Sorry for not being clear, I have a fever right now 😔
@JABH lol
@Christiant2 The moderator reading female dog: 😦⌫
@Christiant2 I hate the Spanish teacher too. Give me a high five!
@JABH I hope she gets fired. That Female dog does not deserve to teach
@Christiant2 What do you mean, "Fucking"?
@JABH Gracias! Did you see me collab with Apollo?
@Christiant2 JAJAJA, no te preocupes, o "Don't worry". De todos modos, me parece interesante, o "Anyway, I find it interesting."
@TheUltimatePlaneLover. Shall i build a Nuclear Deep Strike Bomber?
@Karroc9522 I fucking hate my Ancient History. Also wdym?
@Christiant2 oh God, you said the word during school time...Mondays math in gonna suck 😂
Transporte SuperSonico
@Christiant2 In Spanish, please
@JABH Supersonic Transport
Excuse my ignorance, what is "SST"?
@Christiant2 oh
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 don't worry. Its gonna be next
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 nah. But the company is gonna make an SST soon
@Christiant2 this is for the company correct?