Of all the things you've created, what do you think looks the best?
Note that this is a serious question. I'm asking genuinely about what result you're most proud of from an aesthetics perspective, not for whatever shitpost you think looks the silliest.
Unless that shitpost took a lot of genuine effort.
For example, I'm quite fond of how Robo-Lenin turned out after hours of work.
A link would be appreciated, if possible.
@MrCOPTY kw(a)k 40
@Graingy Lol
@MrCOPTY ngl I was expecting an Hs 129 lol
Ze duck
I swear to god this thing has grown on me
Little hover
The Arwing I'm working on. I'll ping you on it
Probably either my Max Holtzem livery Pfalz D.IIIa, or my BirchWood Behemoth flying aircraft carrier.
@Graingy thanks
@crazyplaness Nice A-Wing
Either my A-Wing or my fastjet 100
@TheMouse Oh I se
Sometimes. I guess.
For planes i think my best looking work might be this fella,
While talking about cars my second gen B0X1 is my GOAT
@Graingy Thanks for your compliment <3 but honestly though, I do more love my own McLaren creation
@TheMouse Do I?
@Tingly06822 ooh shiny
@ricesplashwater Warn me before I open another link from you in public, yeah?
@hpgbproductions Mmm looks like vehicular manslaughter
@LunarEclipseSP Yeah those are pretty good. The carrier makes not much sense from a design standpoint, what with a separate flight deck, but hey, rule of cool.
Idk. What do you think?
It's a toss up between this fella or this absolute beauty
most probably my pagani utopia I just posted, is the highest effort creation I've made so far I would've added even more details but I was limited by hardware, but I would say my super trofeo evo II is also up there with my favourite looking creations came out so well just wish i had made better rims but I'm still really proud of it. I feel most people would say my sp3 daytona is my best but personally I see all it's flaws and inaccuracies, if I were to remaster it would be way better.
Not related to SP but this1this2
Probably the funni truck, it's my most visually detailed build