ORP Lodz: W porzadku, zwiadowco, przelecisz nad baza kolonialna, aby sprawdzic, czy sa wrogo nastawieni
PZL-62C: Tak jest, prosze pana!
ORP Lodz: Mysle tez, ze dobrym pomyslem byloby zadzwonienie do MDA i wyslanie im wiadomosci KPLPFOY powiedzial:
PZL-62C: Swietny pomysl
ORP Lodz: Boska predkosc
3 minutes later
MDA Operator: Roger that
I'll leave the rest of the incounter to SPSidearm
At Yeager
I-100: Coming in for a landing
ATC: Why are you here?
I-100: for the -1 upgrades
End of transmission
@SPSidearm here is the PZL-62C
Also 2 minutes ago 😎
@SPsidearm what? When did I mention semi active?
What about semi active?
@SPsidearm alright
Already did
@SPsidearm look at the two comments below this
@SPsidearm I honestly think you would have a problem I-100-1 but a bigger problem with the criminaly insane German, F-63W
@SPsidearm boy am I glad I put active radar and infared jamming on the I-100-1 and F-63W
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. DG-10 retreated, only a Grenadier and Medic got downed.
4. Mk. 1 Eyeball?
1. I highly doubt that :v There's been a lot of talk about missiles detecting invisible planes lately, but y'all underestimate the meaning of "invisible," yk.
2. Wait, 5400? For real? The A-13 (first gen attacker) has 1E+32 per panel...
3. I thought those guys were wiped out when they tried to steal my drones (keyword: tried. I'm still living on that mini airfield btw). Guess I'll have to try harder, no?
4. I hate to the reveal the truth, but I'm not into the modern hype honestly. My pilots typically rely on their bare eyes- maybe telescopes- to see targets. Radar jamming will not save him.
1. The Missiles that Mastermind uses is the HSCM S-34E5, A reverse engineered [CLASSIFIED]. It can Detect 'Transparent' planes.
2. Don't even try. The Mastermind's armor Is 5400. (All Plates of Armor, + Additional ECM)
3. DG-10.
Your Radar is too [FCKED], Mastermind says he doesn't feel tracked.
1. Missiles, huh? Good thing I've got invisible planes when it comes to missiles lol
2. In that case I'ma just noscope him with all my tanks. Hefty is innocent, he's not even carrying military cargo right now. Anyone who wants to hurt Hefty deserves to be erased. Not even die. Just erased from existence. Destroy them and everyoen who ever looked up to him.
3. Since when did the RCE have F-35s??
Help me find the missing F-35 pls
The Mastermind is an Sentient (duh) A-40D'd F-15 (F-15 with an armament smiliar to that of an A-40, Minus the Crown, shit ton of Missiles and Cockpit. Mastermind's F-15 also features a Death ray.)
Canonically, he's Dakota 4-5's Escort.
As of now, he's trailing Hefty.
@SPsidearm I want to know who this mastermind is before an something happens
My new recon plane has been tracking said Mastermind, I don't know who they are, but I have their coordinates ready at a moment's notice
Retronian General 'Siroe': we lost an F-35C pls find it
We'll let the Polish guys to pass, with an Gray_Tank escort.
@SPsidearm so what is it going to be
One of those three options,
Or leave the plane alone so Polish convoys can pass safely
@SPsidearm but remember if you do any of those options, your poor military will cease to exist
@SPsidearm alr
You can refer me as Sidearm
@SPsidearm if you do that you'll have death on your doorstep
Its either:
Kouv-21A destroys it
ADATS Made it crash.
Or the Mastermind captures it