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Common problems and their solutions

15.1k OverlordPrime  4 months ago

As the title suggest, this post discusses common problems a lot of players especially new players face and how to solve them.

The problem

Ever noticed your aircraft yawing Or rolling to a direction without an input? And despite your best effort it still persisting? The following image shows a simple explanation on why this may be happening.

Basically, you have an extra connection or an extra part with mass and drag scale of 1 or above which is not present on the other side and this causes the aircraft to yaw to that side when on the ground and roll when flying. The more connections or the more parts/heavier the part, the worse it becomes.

The solution

To solve this issue, you will have to manually go through all the connections and make sure there is no extra connection. If there is a part on one side, say a refueling prob or a gun, you will have to set it's mass and drag scale to zero or mirror that to the other side. If that's not an option, then try adding that weight to the other side. If the part is just cosmetics only (Like camouflage) it is recommend that you set it's mass and drag scale to zero and turn off the collision on that part. As far as I know, gauges, switches, buttons and text label are the only parts that doesn't cause this.

The problem

Mirroring apparently not working and a text saying A part all ready exist on the other side (or something along those lines).

The solution

The reason for this is actually very simple. A part already exist where you are trying to mirror a part to. Because of that, they collide with each other and ends up not mirroring. To solve this, all you have to do is temporarily move the part that's in the way out of the way (By changing its X or Y or Z coordinates. If there is multiple parts in the way, use the multiselect tool) and after you are done mirroring, simply move them back to its original place. There is no need to disconnect the said part. And no, hiding it won't work because it's only hidden visually and (partially) physically but it's still there.
A great example of exactly this happening. In this video, the creator tries to mirror a rotator to the other side but fails to do so because the rotator he is trying to mirror is clipping into the engine. The only parts (as far as I know) doesn't have this issue is the fuselage blocks (glass, hollow, hollow glass), beacon, gauges, switches, buttons. Everything else needs to be clear of any other part.

I fully intend to expand this post with other common problems and their solutions. But before that, I need your opinion on this. Do you find this helpful? Did I get anything wrong? Do you have anything to add to this? Is this post helpful to anyone or am I wasting your time?
And finally, if you know about any similar problems let me know. I will add it here.
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    Fun fact single engine aircraft are supposed to turn slightly to the left due to P factor and torque

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    I have decided to keep updating this post with more problems and solutions.

    "Currently, this post is not complete. But you can help by expanding it."

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    50.5k PlaneFlightX

    One thing I would add to this is calculateDrag = false and dragScale = 0 are not the same thing. While they both remove drag, calculateDrag = false removes drag calculations entirely, and can improve performance with lots of parts, while dragScale = 0 still calculates drag, but scales it to 0.

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    Hidden assymetrical attachments to wings, wow they cause pain lol
    80% of the time, if you're wondering why your plane has auto roll despite being entirely symmetrical, both with mass and drag, this is it.

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    It seems a lot players suffer from this and don't know how to solve it. I personally have seen multiple people having this problem. And the idea here is to make an archive of similar problems and their solutions so people won't have to wander around the site scouring through old posts.

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    Might want to make an update to this post with better G-Lim codes. Variable changing codes without PID is rare.

    +1 one month ago
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    @OrangeConnor2 it's due to rotation direction I think.

    +1 3 months ago
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    @MrSilverWolf Is that a constant or due to rotation direction?

    3 months ago
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    38.0k Graingy


    4 months ago
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    @Graingy it may not have been bad enough to be noticed.

    4 months ago
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    38.0k Graingy

    I'm 7.8 years new and I'm still not sure if I've ever solved that first one.
    Or ever had it, but I digress.

    +1 4 months ago
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    @jamesPLANESii I remember going through everything, wondering what's going on. I almost lost my mind and that's when I decided to check the connections which up until then I ignored.

    4 months ago
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    @PlaneFlightX exactly. And it helps with optimizing the build.

    4 months ago