9,946 RestlessGalaxies
Player Biography
Hello there!
Good to see you here, visitor. I hope you've been having a good time. Did you eat well? Are you well hydrated? If not, it's a good idea now to grab some snacks and water... This will be a... Long description!
(Or you can just skip down to see what I conjured up during my time on this site, have fun!)
Some things about me
I am a student of PCM studying to be an Aerospace engineer, situated somewhere in the wild greens of India. I've always been an enthusiast for... Just creation and exploring what those creations can cause in the mind of viewer.
Simpleplanes played into that sentiment quite well since it's so versatile in what it allows which means I developed side hobbies that literally add to the main field of expertise I'm aiming to work in, I.E Aerospace and media.
You'd be surprised to know how important it can be to know the nuances in film directing, advertising and music, among other things and how big of a role they play in making a plane.
I've always been the type of person to beat myself down if I have any hint of imperfections with my builds. Exhibit A, despite being on the site for over 6 years, and having played the game for 8, I happen to be in a position where I really don't have many public builds.
That's the thing though... Public builds may only be that many, but my private builds? The unlisted? Oh boy. You have no idea how much of a world is hiding behind limited viewership only because I'm not ready to show them off yet.
And I'm very happy with the builds that did make it past my own filter. They are mid at best especially compared to the absolute beauties a good portion of those reading push out... Functionally and visually... But you know... At least there is SOMETHING. And people did like my builds, atleast in the later half of my time here, for that, big thanks to all who did!
Every last upvote and comment is of huge value to me. They may not be as huge of a deal to you, the one pressing that button, but each one of those is valued greatly... And even beyond that, I heavily value the comments. Those are more important to me... I often enjoy touching upon the more human side of things.
Anyway, rant about gratefulness aside, Due to simple planes, I've learnt things that have actually cemented me as a better person in real life with a small list of skills that came from my time here, listed below.
-Work experience in graphic design
-Story writing ( I have a book out that is being sold on Amazon, for morality reasons, I won't put the name up here. )
-Music producing
-Sciences (of course)
-Coding (Mostly just very basic knowledge in Funky trees, C++ and unreal engine)
And some other things that I probably forgot but do in my free time.
I love people who are passionate about these things, or really just people passionate about things in general... So if you wanna chirp around about the things you love doing, I'm all ears!
I should be very clear and honest to you about my shortcomings as a person as well, I suppose.
I'm not innocent at all, for starters. This might sound wierd but everything "hard to watch" you've watched over the years, I've likely seen worse. At some point, they were a method of gratification for me, even. I want to be open about that dirty truth as well because I don't want people thinking they can't pull themselves out of it.
I did. I've left degrading content long behind. I know it might seem impossible now, but if you're reading this and you've stumbled upon things that degrade you and are addicted, trust me, you can get out of it.
Secondly, I'm human. I acknowledge it and I know I'll make mistakes. I want you to point them out so that I can get off my high horses and realise my works aren't the best there is. For there is always a better version of me waiting to be discovered tomorrow, and I won't know about it unless you point my weaknesses out now.
Thirdly, I will never mean anything that ever was meant to degrade you. Trust me when I say you're a good person, especially considering you went to the length to read this far... Your kindness and consideration for this means the world to me... So if I end up saying anything harsh, this is my open declaration that I didn't mean it, was probably joking and not thinking right.
Fourthly, there are a lot of people I've wronged. And I'll be open about that too. Since simple planes is a major part of my life now, I'm comfortable saying it. I'm sorry to anyone who was hurt by my past actions, I've realised the extent of them
Lastly, on a more positive note, don't ever put your full trust in me for anything. Trust only yourself and god, if you believe in him.
That's really all for me, I hope you have a great rest of your day and all the years to come go well too!
God bless you!
Some words of encouragement to you
Self analysis important. Self degradation is stupid and unhealthy.
Carefully assess what you may have done wrong, acknowledge why it went wrong, and then work on it as soon as you possibly can. This applies to literally everything.
Don't give attention to spite, pay attention to what you can take from that spite and find ways to better yourself using it, that effectively becomes the best way to shut it up without even talking back a single word.
Take care of yourself first. If you can't stand on your two feet, don't expect those two feet to hold the weight and burden of others.
The people around you matter, I learnt dirty things from people around me. Be careful, pull out when it's time to push people away.
Love yourself. You have hands, you have legs, and you have cells in those limbs working night and day accompanied by the smartest brains in the animal kingdom. Use it, and use it efficiently. You'll fly high and reach the stars one day, friend, as long as you don't hold yourself back, you'll get what you seek, have faith in that.