9,946 RestlessGalaxies Comments

  • What's Next? 1.6 years ago

    Aw man, I just got simpleplanes a few months ago... I dont want to have to buy it all over again :(

  • Modern Fighter Challenge Results one month ago

    Wait, FIRST PLACE!?

  • Cheat Menu one month ago

    possibly the next big thing after overload?

  • SimplePlanes Builds in SimplePlanes 2!!! 5 days ago

    This game is about to start feeling more like a fine wine that has a lot of the things we've been wanting for years over an already almost perfect game...

    I am thoroughly impressed, but request the jundroo team to please not rush and take your time with it. Thank you for listening, devs!

  • OBJModelPart one month ago

    @AndrewGarrison you know, Funnily enough, those updates in the policy make the "game" a legit and viable option to actually start learning some basic 3D modelling before moving on to a CAD and/or blender.

    I really do wonder if Simpleplanes can be genuinely developed intl an education software that universities can actually integrate into the syllabus. Might be something the dev team could and should consider, I personally would love to teach children the basics of aerodynamics with Simpleplanes being a part of the actual syllabus instead of some game on the side with vague connection to the subject of Aero...

  • FA-25C Fusion 2 months ago

    @IQinventory All of the world's best fighters clumped into one. How could you NOT love it?

  • Paperback of Clandestine Whispers now out! 4 months ago

    Also credit to @ThomasRoderick for the editing lol

  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith 23 days ago

    @MosquitowithaMachineGun I go with canvas, but I suggest GIMP or something else. I just learnt some exploits on canvas which is why I was able to make that thumbnailwith the plae in front of the text

  • Making a bus that will not let you topple it one month ago

    @overlord5453 Okay I'm going to add guns to the thing now ;-;

  • Drakon Dynamics DRA-07F Nyx II 2 months ago

    @DrakonDynamics code IS a pain in the bum so I don't actually blame you + you aren't unemployment As heck so of course this is still good stuff

  • YF-DW-1 "DAGGER" 2 months ago

    @overlord5453 wait, what...? How is a method of appreciation considered harrassment? Wouldn't the context matter?

  • FA-25C Fusion 2 months ago

    @IQinventory it looks pretty cool too.

  • Graingy Teaser: Starman-2000 2 months ago

    @Graingy if I really have to explain it, then some of your works show more style and nuance than others, this is a great example. The fact that you have a rather difficult task at hand and the first thing you decided to do is make something akin to a delta wing supersonic is something I don't think a lot of people would choose to do.

    I for one, would likely do a long range attack fighter.

    Adding to that, you also give off a bit of vibe of being fun, this too, is fun. Therefore, it's very something you'd make.. maybe 1 or, 2 other people would too as well.

  • QUECHAL'S GHOST [Novaran Fighter Challenge] 2 months ago

    Thank you guys! Appreciate it

  • The final version of "Ghosts dancing in the skies" 2 months ago

    Thank you to everyone who's been with me on this journey. I'll be taking a break for a good while once I'm fully done with the after post stuff of the Quechal ghost

  • EA-2G Shadow Hawk Mk.III 2 months ago

    The more I explore the Sight the more I realise that so many of these planes are missed oppurtunities for the novaran fighter challenge xD
    This is amazing!

  • DarZerkk 152 3 months ago

    What is this some sort of dedicated plane for you?
    Cuz DANG they put some effort and then decided it t lovingly called it Darzerkk

  • LAST POST 3 months ago

    This doesn't have to be your last post. There's a good chance it will go well. Keep hope for that chance... It'll prime your body for what is going to come.
    Best wishes to you and your family, and I request everyone to have a moment of prayer in their hearts.

  • The Alper 3 months ago


  • Alper Cabin Completed 3 months ago

    @Solent19 I pride myself on making smooth, near timeless looking designs. @ThomasRoderick (someone I very often ask for opinions) would agree too. He knows how much I like to overdo the beauty over functionality 💀

    It has been getting better with the newer stuff I make though, the form follows function ideaology.
    Simply put, try making each of your fuselage pieces purposeful to a sort of... "Flow". One piece transitions to another.

  • [Art] I do a draw because I like draw 3 months ago

    @WritersCrusadersAirCo2 thank you!

  • What do you think about Simple Planes 3 (That is not a mistake, I'm genuinely asking about SP3) 3 months ago

    @Graingy imagine not having played simpleplanes 8 : Dimension transcendence

  • A Legacy 3 months ago

    @Ayanon Shit I forgot you xD

  • AMF Poukai Weapon Set 3 months ago

    Lots of effort put it into this. Nice stuff!

    -It doesn't actually fly properly without the weapons due to badly balanced CG to the point where it can't even take off
    -People download it WITHOUT The weapons attached, which alone is not really a good thing, but okay, you wanted to show the weapons in a cool way, let people choose and all, but it not being able to fly without them is a problem.
    -For what it is, that cockpit doesn't even have a screen.

    Don't let that discourage you because those are just criticisms. There's things to like here like
    -Good design. Everything flows and the wings are big enough to accommodate more weight which will help with CG.
    -The concept in general of letting people choose weapon loadouts is interesting, but it needs to be better executed.

  • XT-OM 04 Sleeper II 3 months ago

    Wonder how it'd look if you uploaded your own iteration of the echostar.

  • [Full Short Story] Below the Abyss 4 months ago

    Read the entire thing and I am left rather... I won't say confused, but disoriented. There's huge potential here. The concept of switching to the ethereal being state or whatever that is meant to be can be used immensely well if executed well

    Here though... it's uh... it's just daunting. I can't tell what is happening and the main character literally seems to not give a shit. That said, the descriptions that you wrote are great. It paints a vivid picture... and there is, having read the entire thing, a possibly good plot at play here. But it does need a heck of a lot of work to reach that potential it set. Let me know if you want me to try writing it in my way and attempt to fix the issues I pointed out

  • [Full Short Story] Below the Abyss 4 months ago

    To elaborate on the clarity thing, early on, I can't tell what the stakes are at hand. I can't tell what is going on until much later when the action has long since started. It's only when our main character is beelining towards the broken tubes that I realized that the guys need to fix it quick or the ship can't fire back.

  • So... I wrote an entire book. 4 months ago

    @OrangeConnor2 just did.

  • So... I wrote an entire book. 4 months ago

    @Graingy I---don't---know---i---ended---up---typing---away

  • Digital Dashboard Gauges 8 months ago

    @ThomasRoderick This man really had to come out and make everything anyone would ever need for a cockpit 2 years later, eh?

    Can't blame him. I would have used every last one of these in the Echostar if I had the chance only because this some quality product right here🤌🤌

  • [Ardrot] =F-1 - "Vixen"= 9 months ago

    I just wanna say, that as of right now, 11 minutes after posting this... we have more upvotes than download... 💀

  • LAF-A40 - "The Echostar" 11 months ago


    You guys had a hand in this. Sorry for the tag and thank you for being a part!

  • [Teaser] After 3 years, on 21st March. 11 months ago

    @ZerkkOtakuGuy what the hell... its my birthday too.
    Lets go dude.
    Added bonus, I abso-fricking-lutely love Bocchi. That one scene with here improvised solo, holy crap!

    Good to meet you man!

  • Northrop Grumman F-28A Tomcat II 1.6 years ago

    This thing is a bloody beauty honestly

  • Ardrot FA-1 "Swordfish" 1.6 years ago

    @ZoaMiki I never forced you like that!
    I just told you I really wanted to be a part of that thing....

  • Ardrot FA-1 "Swordfish" 1.6 years ago

    @Rjenteissussy Yeah, U/L3thaPredator said it's what happens when an F-16, F-18 and a mig 29 come together to have a baby. Thank you for the upvote

  • McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle 21 days ago

    @EagleMan010 frrrr bro's the representative of half of the world's men
    (The other half gave up)

  • McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle 22 days ago

    (He's still looking for eagle lady)


    @Rb2h but you did notice so fat W

  • Community gun 27 days ago

    @MosquitowithaMachineGun Oh ma gawd the Mosquito with a Machine Gun lore goes hard here 😭
    also this reminds me of chicken tendies
    oh no

  • Community gun 27 days ago

    @MosquitowithaMachineGun 💀

  • SF-32B Hellfire II 27 days ago

    "Give me one good reason to not call you a knockoff F-22"
    "I'm cute as heck"
    "Okay fair enough."

  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith 27 days ago

    By far one of the most innovative and clean fictional designs on the site to the point where I'm willing to question the plausibility, especially looking at the new images of all the "Real" 6th gens as well. I am really happy I got to be a part of the process of getting it out here and really hope it reaches the recognition it deserves. Amazing work as always, Jay!


    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore xD yeah. I actually forgot to give the thing an exhaust as well unfortunately


    @Chaunhkhoa Mita from MiSide. For some context, The game picked up enough recognition to rival the success of DDLC, which has a lot of similarities to this one.

    She got memed a lot so I thought that it's a fun little reference to add.


    @YarisSedan a month or so at most... Maybe March.
    If I make one, I'll make it look good so that you'll get some actual joy from crushing it


    @Boeing727200F [I can't actually make it train proof my bad man 😭 ]


