Based on my opinion, it is better to set up an Aksimet Anti-Spam Plugin into this site, so that bots would not having difficult to break into this site. If this site was powered by WordPress. But I'm not pretty sure if Aksimet Anti-Spam could preventing some bots on the comment. Please if you're a website nerds or geeks you can give me a correction if I'm wrong.
Suggestion For This Site Maintainer: Regarding Of The Previous Bot Spam/Onslaught
103k LunarEclipseSP
4 months ago
@TheOfficalMarylander that would cause a flood of bots uploading cockpits so they can comment on things
not in favor
@TheOfficalMarylander the website already has a system in place that stops accounts below a specific point number (30 points iirc) from upvoting posts (to prevent upvote farming) so I guess they could tweak that system to get it the way that you described. Im definitely in favour of it.
@TheOfficalMarylander That presents a problem for this account.
Not in favour.
@TheOfficalMarylander That's a really good idea honestly.
@Boeing727200F well, okay..
should we also make a team who hunts down and takes down these bots?
i have already taken 2 down
I honestly like the idea, but we should add a system where you have to post one aircraft max before you chat/make forums(just imo)
@AndrewGarrison this might've been a good idea, don't ya think?