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I'm sooo tired but hear me out.

14.9k FomahaultCoredemshau  3 months ago

Okay, it's been... Nearly 6-7 months since I have been away... That's a long time.

I spent all that time making a mod of mine, basically programming. It's literally sucking my energy out of me.
I have gotten a new phone, I have recovered some from an SD card, but I still don't really have much of an idea to make.

I really really, and I sincerely mean really, to get back to SP again, but seems like programming is a hole that you can't climb out of.

I still have to code a lot new things, so I'm not expecting to start making planes again very soon.

I'm missing my quota to make planes, or crafts in general, and I really get desensitized to seeing black boxes with colored texts with stupid markdowns everyday, I really just want to get out of it.

On free time, I have made some things, [SPOILER ALERT] I made some bikes and cars, yes I mastered bike physics, well atleast it's physics but not looks.

Really want to get back, but i am so deep in the hole I can't climb out.

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    9,713 Paper

    haha yeah, programming is a very deep whole that I am still trying to get out of. I have to constantly remind myself why I am coding in the first place, and that the goal is to give life to a game/idea and not rot away from coding forever :P

    3 months ago