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Opening Fire

2,081 Firecharge123  3 months ago

Wednesday November 13, 15:20

5 M1A2 Abram’s got hit with 12mm bullets by infantry soldiers of Turnosk. The tanks then opened fire to eliminate all of them.


Radars are detecting a large fleet of around 25 Planes with 4 Bombers & 21 Fighters heading for the capital seek shelter immediately. Anti-Air defenses opened fire on the targets, eliminating 2 Bombers & 6 Fighters. 20 FAF-11’s engages the rest. The enemy fighters, now realizing the threat, turned around to face our fighters. Our fighters ended up getting multiple missiles out before missiles were coming for them. We lost no fighters & no bombers are active. Please report any sights of any enemy aircraft to me.

(Please wait for more news to release)

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