Yeah, it's been around for some time, my first few ships use flares as secondary weaponry. They are especially useful against the AI fleets because the game doesn't register it as weaponry so the ships wont shoot back when you shoot at them with flares.
Yes, iirc Randomusername used that.
@Icey21 I mean it always had collision, but the damage does surprise me.
@Graingy same
I previously didn't even think about it having collision physics lol
@Icey21 I did not know that. I always assumed that flare cannons were purely decorative.
@SuperSuperTheSylph can do damage to small parts like detatchers, shocks, etc.
@Graingy sorta, yeah.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover k
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Make sure to read the full comment tho, has some important info as well as some "closure" to my mistake lol
@TheUltimatePlaneLover please and thank you
Just busy is all ;-;
I'm gonna tag you both on it because it probably won't release for some time
Wait seriously?
Are they like bullets? Do they have kinetic energy?
@theultimateplanelover was doing something with them, and now he has disappeared
yuppp i used them as rockets but they were only effective against ships i think
I just got hit by nostalgia
4 years ago I used flare launchers as makeshift cannon fire since they leave bullet trails i.e the smoke
All the new things are good forgotten ones.
@jamesPLANESii Almost too afraid to try that out
@StinkyRice how so?
@BMilan They do damage to in-game AI too?Thats pretty cool ngl. What launch force did you use?
Yeah, it's been around for some time, my first few ships use flares as secondary weaponry. They are especially useful against the AI fleets because the game doesn't register it as weaponry so the ships wont shoot back when you shoot at them with flares.
i found out flares can launch you and your craft
Yeah lol. Whatever you do, don't deploy flares downwards while you're on the deck of the USS Beast