Hey so you dint know this (unless your Kar, but we don't talk about him here) I have taken up drawing (granted not well) but it's something im very interested in so basically im asking for assistance on how. Any tips? I struggle with hair and face proportions are always a threat to my eraser. Now to be completely fair this is a hobby I picked up awhile ago but took a fairly long hiatus. Now I realize since I still use pencil and paper that some of your techniques are going to be different then mine so please take my ignorance with a dash of salt. So uh any ideas?
@cyon why you do what?
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer Stop looking at those pictures they were for a meme dangit
@cyon I can agree with @Graingy they do look very much like a girl from behind. Fooled me many times
@Graingy hmm when i think about it i dont know why i do that
@OrangeConnor2 Lose that thing you call facial hair and maybe you could have a chance.
Anyways I wish I knew. Definitely would have helped me a few times, being able to draw.
@Graingy That is... one of the revelations of all time.
@cyon Unrelated but
Kinda a mood tbh. I've been told I look like girl from behind.
Give up and accept it's dark magic.
this comment section will help me into getting me the power that artists have
i'm not officailly learnd from professional and everything is self-learned. but if i can be your help at least little.. first time i started to drawing with it was drawing automobile from 2D side view to 3D view. drawing a car would be definitively help you to understand how exactly the things in real world are shaped. because as you can see, car is every where.
you or your parent's car at your home, cars passing on the road outside of your home, or even at video games featuring cool 3D car models.
and, one more cool thing that the car drawing let your learn.. is the material.
most of car's paint is glossy and reflects the light, and you'll know that the shape of the reflected light can be actively transformed by how sharp / rounded the object is. this can be sound unrelated, but it seems these art and understading both three-dimensional shape and its material expressions has strong relations.
Tips but i write them as poorly as possible:
- don't be afraid to use precomputed (3d models) or precollected (photos) reference data from time to time
- draw anything and everything you like the look of, including your waifu/husbando and the random guy across the street
- the face may be approximated as a double-curved structure, so it distorts when viewed from angles other than along the local z axis
Learn anatomy and proportion. Everything has it's own anatomy/parts either it's human, vehicle or mechs
as a guy who draws anime... i do copy drawing, learn why are they shaped like that (ye eventually you'll need to understand how things work)
As a guy who draws M4s and vehicles...
Use a pen or marker.
you should practice perspective and vanishing points
@overlord5453 yeah, exactly, just do it often and git gud essentially
I have only one advice. Keep drawing until you get good at it.
since you're using paper and pencil, i recommend controlling your pressure. Since you erase a lot, use light lines. Maybe this is obvious but for me that's something that took time for me to figure out lol
For hair, some general tips would be to remember that hair has volume, and is not just a flat piece of cut out cloth.
recommend these two videos, plus the channel in general as he provides some very nice art tips
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer look, I know it's hard.. But it's possible! All you need is some references, practice, and good sketching
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 really?
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer oh if it's on paper, that's shouldn't be too complicated
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 paper. Trust me if I could I would do digital but I can't so
Btw, drawing tip on paper or digital?
I maybe not the best artist but I give you some tips to learn the basics of art and drawing. I'm not good with "realistic portrait" kind of that, I'm more of a cartoonist..