I'm experiencing a bug where AI aircraft spawn half underground when I spawn them, like in the image, causing immediately explode when unpaused. This usually happens on high part counts build, while the lower part counts don't have this problem. Any fix on this?
First example: 1456 (Exploded after unpause)
Second example: 1134 parts (Exploded after unpause)
Third example: 977 parts (normal, no ground clipped, didn't exploded)
Me too, and it’s really annoying. The indicator box and name are blue, and I can’t lock them w/ missiles.
I have the same problem!
i think that ai planes ignore or wrongly use the spawn on ground parameter since one of the big updates, making them bugged on spawn
@Rb2h hmm good idea
You can try to just grab a vtol jet and fly a bit higher up then set a spawn location for the builds to not instantly die
spawning do be like that, sadly.. eugh
I don't know how to fix it but that's some sick designs you got there.
The ai ones for me always opt to spawn mid-air and then kamikaze towards any runway, i cannot count the amount of times I was testing joint movement idly and get obliterated
Damn, I’m dealing with this exact same issue. Every aircraft works fine EXCEPT my own. Following this post for if the answer pops up.