slight oversimplification but this is how it works:
- choose/update target point
- roll to make target above (or below) the plane in its own local space
- pitch up (or down) to target
@Monarchii that would be nice. But we are getting multiplayer and It still would be nice to have that (for offline games). I am just thinking about the possibilities of multiplayer. I mean think about it, it would be like budget DCS. Dedicated dogfight rooms, roleplay rooms and what not. SP2 has every chance to hit big. I can't wait.
Ok why do we have a whole war here I was just asking a question 😭 I was peacefully flying to wright from avalanche
slight oversimplification but this is how it works:
- choose/update target point
- roll to make target above (or below) the plane in its own local space
- pitch up (or down) to target
fuxk it, anti-air gun it is then.
shxt, my weapon.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 now to be blissfully chill underwater..
fuxk it, submarine it is.
@Monarchii well it wouldn’t be laggy, just a bunch of micro missiles and stuff
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 you melonpan duck, that's what they've been preventing in normal MP! AWUGH
@Monarchii I’m looking forward too blowing people up in dogfights with overpowered weapons
@overlord5453 yeah, me too, can't wait till I can sneakily be mobile friendly or somfn lmao
@Monarchii that would be nice. But we are getting multiplayer and It still would be nice to have that (for offline games). I am just thinking about the possibilities of multiplayer. I mean think about it, it would be like budget DCS. Dedicated dogfight rooms, roleplay rooms and what not. SP2 has every chance to hit big. I can't wait.
@overlord5453 indeed, and maybe a buddy system of sorts so you can have a flight or a 2v2 or more scenario, not an all-out deathmatch kek
@hpgbproductions @YarisSedan hopefully that will change in sp2.
@hpgbproductions in other words, extremely basic asf, kind of a shame tbh