Can they?
I'm working on a s-75 that is currently unguided but I wanna make it fly by itself. Is that possible witha rotator?
Can a missle be guided by a rotator? Just askin.
37.9k Christiant2
one month ago
Can they?
I'm working on a s-75 that is currently unguided but I wanna make it fly by itself. Is that possible witha rotator?
@Christiant2 alright
Refine it. I've got no rush :)
@Christiant2 it's a mess. I will just post it as unlisted. Maybe you can take a look. Or, I will refine it and then make a post explaining how, which may take time. Which one do you prefer?
Step by step?
@Christiant2 wellll..... Uhhh..... it's complicated to say the least.
What are the codes. 💀
@overlord5453 Yea!
You mean something like this?
It is possible. You will need lot of funky trees.
@Christiant2 not really? as all the sensors and stuff are in the cockpit, you could cheat and make it missile powered and/or keep a cockpit inside the missile ig
N9, the rotator literally guides the missle towards its target.
Is there a funkytrees code like it?
Launched missile?
If I know launched missiles are off the airplane part so you can't control it.
However, for unlaunched missiles, yes