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Moderators, thank you for what you do.

9,946 RestlessGalaxies  2 months ago

So, the reason for this post and the story is basically I regarding my last plane, Quechal's Ghost which is supposed to be a successor to the Novaran Fighter challenge. Unfortunately, I was not able to keep it a successor when it went public.

I tagged... I think 4 mods? And I was really anxious.... And tired... And mentally unstable because I was thinking about a lot of things and trying to push happy things... So I got really worried when none of them did the successor thing, even though to be fair, it had only been 12 hours.

Now, like a few hours ago, I let me anxiety take over again and ask Crazyplaness for the favor AGAIN... But I mess up and use the wrong link in the hyper link. It made me think about how hard being a mod can be and I wanted to take those emotions and make it something positive, maybe make someone's day too.

Thank you for your service and work, moderators. I really appreciate all you do for the community, even though it gets really hard sometimes, it's good to have y'all around.

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    38.3k Graingy

    Oh, well that's not particularly close.

    +1 2 months ago
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    @Graingy kinda, yeah. Deadline was on 24th, I was asking on 16th-17th
    (Challenge was a month long)

    2 months ago
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    9,466 F16xl

    Real forum post right here boys

    2 months ago
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    38.3k Graingy

    Was it near deadline?

    +1 2 months ago