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Sorry bmilan

246 Jsoeidm2  5 days ago

I may have accidentally pissed of @Bmilan and im sorry if i made u hate me or anything. Pls forgib

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    246 Jsoeidm2

    @BMilan ok thank you i wont do it agaij

    5 days ago
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    58.4k BMilan

    You didn't piss me off. You are overreacting this a bit. All I asked you to do is to say "please" in the future, because you posted like 3 requests on my posts, 2 of which were just "xy ship link?" which is imo a kinda rude way to ask for something. Still, I'm not pissed, no need to make a forum about this, it's all good, just try to be more courteous with people in the future

    5 days ago