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Advance FT delay code on live input (input from real time in game number)

4 PTINDOSEJAHTRA1998  16 hours ago

Hey hey! Fellow friend we meet again, and yeah sorry to ask it again because IM new on simpleplanes! , so if guys already know about my first forum talking about delay activator you know what IM talking about right?, now I have question, how i should to do to fix the delaying code?, because when IM put delay FT on the auto aiming FT is cannot work is i am putting it on wrong way? Or what
Example clamp(TargetHeading - Heading) / 180, 1/1), corrected me if im wrong, and i am really sorry again! Haha because I never had a advancing code input and placement, and IM very glad and thank for you guys answering this forum!

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    If you put delay in auto-aim code, the aim will be inaccurate. In addition, the delay methods in the previous forum post only work for fixed discrete values, like in simple animations. Please explain what extra features you want to add on top of auto-aim.
    Your clamp has syntax errors and will not work. This is what the game will see:
    - argument 1: TargetHeading - Heading) / 180 ==> parenthesis mismatch
    - argument 2: 1/1 ==> constant of 1
    - argument 3: missing
    You probably want clamp((TargetHeading - Heading) / 180, -1, 1)

    7 hours ago
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    4,069 JSTQ

    At this point, there's no need for a clamp, just input the contents inside

    13 hours ago
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    4,069 JSTQ


    13 hours ago