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The USSR fell 33 years ago today

37.1k Graingy  yesterday

Now isn't that fascinating?
I wonder how its successors are doing-

Oh, right.

Well, in any case, new plane coming soon.
No, it isn't the Archfiend. That's still on hold until I get a Reshade fix.

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    @Graingy Anti aircraft stick doesn't exist, it can't hurt you

    Anti aircraft stick:

    5 hours ago
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    37.1k Graingy

    @Noname918181818181818181 what are you talking about?

    15 hours ago
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    <<Can you see any borders from up here? What has borders given us, books?>>
    <<No...I'll just have to destroy them all, restart everything from zero, that's what V2 is for>>

    18 hours ago
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    37.1k Graingy

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE Insert video of soldiers throwing sticks at drones

    +4 yesterday
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    they're very civil and respectful over here (💯 cap)

    +1 yesterday
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    6,311 LeShunny

    @Boeing727200F Sometimes, things happen in history.

    +1 yesterday
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    after the split, a war happened
    common borders L

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    37.1k Graingy

    @Boeing727200F Huh, neat. Never heard of it.

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    today is also the 20th(?) anniversary of the Indian ocean tsunami
    fun isnt it?

    +2 yesterday