new year, new me . . .
anyways, does anyone know if there’s a tutorial on how to make custom labels (like a weapon display or HUD)
comment below what you think of the new sonic movie.
new year, new me . . .
anyways, does anyone know if there’s a tutorial on how to make custom labels (like a weapon display or HUD)
comment below what you think of the new sonic movie.
You are disgusting :)
@Graingy (Farts Nonchalantly)
@hpgbproductions thanks
There is no official tutorial for labels. You have to look in other players' labels. (1-part HUDs are not recommended due to their complexity)
Outside of basic text there are 2 things that you have to go to other websites to find:
- TextMeshPro rich text formatting. There are some undocumented text modifiers as well.
- Insert funky trees by putting them in curly brackets { }. You can also specify a C# formatting string directly after ;