- Just made this in order to be more organized and to allow people to find builds more easily. Will be updated semi-frequently, like the defensive bombers one.
- Now all that's left to do is DV, although probably not gonna be restarting on that for a bit. Plus it's literally only the skink for now anyway.
- Feel free to leave suggestions for your own builds down and I'll put them down under the suggestion builds section, or give suggestions on actual warships I should do, and I'll also add them to the list. Don't expect them to come out very fast though lol, school exists and unfortunately I have to get through it if I want to get anywhere in life...
Current tag list
(If you want to be added or removed just let me know!)
[LHI Tags (1)]
[Defensive Warships (LHI - Literal Hell Improved)]
- The Defensive warships series hopes to make killing AI warship targets with aircraft 10x harder. (and fun) All ships have a semi-realistic AA complement, with guns that all have semi-realistic ranges, muzzle velocities, firing arcs, and etc.
[Gen 1.1]
(Current gen, simple maneuvering ability, barrage ability at range for larger guns, gun sound reduced)
- [Planned] HMS belfast
- [Planned] HMS Jervis
- [Planned] IJN Oyodo
- [Planned] IJN Taiho
- [Planned] IJN Shinano
[Suggestion (fictional) builds]
[Gen 1/Gen 1+]
(First gen, quality kinda varries. Guns are annoyingly loud, larger guns fire a bit too quick, but get the job done)
- USS Essex (Gen 1+, able to maneuver)
- [None]
- [None]
- IJN Zuikaku 1944 (Gen 1+, able to maneuver)
[Suggestion (fictional) builds]
Video showcases
Ok bye
(Enjoy getting obliterated!)
@TheUltimatePlaneLover yep, appreciate it :)
I'ma stay on the build list, I love these guys
I've been riding on the Defensive Bombers/Literal Hell Improved bandwagon since the beginning lol
@Simpleplanescreator8 Shinano would def come in a release with Taiho, although with Allen M Sumner I’d have to actually build her myself from scratch which would take a bit and look pretty bad lol
(Since Blyatnov the goat hasn’t made her or atleast a Gearing sadly)
Maybe a USS Allen M Sumner? Or an IJN Shinano? If this is the right spot to be suggesting stuff lol?
@TemporaryReplacement niceee
@BMilan alright!
@Jaspy190 Lol, I found the video showcase that Shiro made though, it looked pretty good
@TemporaryReplacement Yes, I'd like to stay on the tag list
@TemporaryReplacement ok, you had me concerned hah
@Jaspy190 The barrage in this case is just referring to the larger flak cannons firing in a "barrage mode" until the smaller cannons get into range where they then just fire along with them for a bit more realism
Surface battles are I thing I tested a bit ago with ShiroNeko, (with the torpedo launch demo thing) and are def possible, but something I'm not really focusing on right now lol
@TemporaryReplacement yes, I am, but also, "barrage ability at range for larger guns", like, actual surface battles??
[LHI Tags (1)]
Ello people, just wanted to confirm whether you're staying on the tag list?