@apollo12airlockfaliure NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
@AmethystAircraft no shut up I'm dead
hey can you post more often youre going the same route as me jkjk I'm making some stuff that will take my a while that's why I haven't posted cuz I'm working on something lol
@CatdogAerospace uh uhh micheal_p
Why the name change
Happy new year 100 ad
No Wrong Its 2001
LET'S GO BACK TO '95! (Where majority of us haven't even been born yet.)
i wish this all was a dream the last 4 years is a disaster, not to me but also for all
@apollo12airlockfaliure NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
@AmethystAircraft no shut up I'm dead
can you post more often
youre going the same route as me
jkjk I'm making some stuff that will take my a while that's why I haven't posted cuz I'm working on something lol
@CatdogAerospace uh
Why the name change
Happy new year 100 ad
Its 2001
LET'S GO BACK TO '95! (Where majority of us haven't even been born yet.)
i wish this all was a dream
the last 4 years is a disaster, not to me but also for all