I actually believe that Russian MiGs are over rated trash, and are inferior to western designs....
What do you mean "F-16" and "F-22" what? No I'm not referring to those. I'm referring to....
OH and since this is two truths and a lie. I'm actually a girl..... or am I? No. I'm not.... or am I?
Also T to get tagged in this things teaser whenever the heck I get to it
"I'm actually a girl..... or am I? No. I''m not... or am I?"
@YarisSedan yeah
@Graingy your french is probably rustier than a fiat 126 rotting in the polish swamp, correct?
@YarisSedan fair lol
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer my brother in all name that is holy i know nothing about french (in other words, i used google translate)
@HuskyDynamics01 yeah, pigpen is better than baguette plen
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer No it's just one fun fact I heard somewhere
@Graingy you seem to know quite a bit about this
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer iirc the infinitives of both are nearly the same in Russian
@Graingy pardon?
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer To write or To piss, that is the question
@Graingy fair enough
@YarisSedan the only other language I "know" is Russian but again I only know how to spell two words. (I'm focusing on learning the letters before the language for Russian) so needless to say, I don't speak baguette
@YarisSedan my French is too rusty (and probably was never good enough in the first place) to understand that.
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer c'est ce que j'obtiens pour avoir insulté les français, je suppose
@YarisSedan look how they massacred my boy 😢
@Graingy pas que je m'en soucie ou quoi que ce soit
(i've been infected by the french themselves as payback for what i did help)
@YarisSedan The French shall never recover from such a vicious insult
dassault more like dassault
Dorito Baguette
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer Incorrect. Pigpen superiority.
@HuskyDynamics01 well yes. Because this is the superior delta canard airframe.
I will continue to talk shit to dassault