Decided to try out Reshade and I have successfully made my game both look and run significantly worse. Hooray!
Would anyone happen to have a working preset that doesn't have much (if any) noticeable performance hit?
(I'm aware that a lot of the shaders do hit performance pretty hard, and for the record I'm not trying to make SP look like MSFS. My laptop would explode. I'm looking for a lighter preset to fly around with, not just for fancy screenshots.)
@Pnut It actually runs fine as long as I don’t overload it. I even play on high graphics.
@DrakonDynamics 5? Damn must be pretty laggy lol, mine used to be 4 before upgrade
I haven't installed reshade since resetting my pc a while ago. Here's some of the stuff i use iirc, mix and match as required:
Levels: middle section straight and slightly above standard curve, blend the ends towards 0,0 and 1,1
Bloom/ lens flare
Depth-based fog
Depth of field
Other: clouds 2.0 with minimum altitude setting is nice, unless you fly near those clouds
@Pnut I'm not entirely sure other than it has 5 gigs of RAM and it's falling apart, but if I can run it, so can yours lol.
@YarisSedan Ye. It has 5 available gigs of RAM and the screen is practically falling off. And I run it.
Really want to try this but I'm worried my laptop might go boom
@DrakonDynamics what's your laptop specs, mine an absolute potato with an AMD A4 cpu
I run reshade with a pretty potato laptop. I’d be willing to share my settings, just need some time.