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5,045 MarteenLockkenn  19 days ago

I need to make an auto-loading gun for the tank, so I'd like a little help.

The weapon shape I want is this;

There Will Be 2 Magazines.
However, for the 2-shot magazine, the reload time between shots is 3 seconds, and after the 2-shot magazine is finished, there will be a 13-second cooldown and then it will repeat itself.

I think there is something like this, but unfortunately I don't know. If you know, please feel free to help.

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    @hpgbproductions Thank you for your interest, although it was not the way I wanted, I got it done.

    18 days ago
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    I read the question again and I don't understand the desired firing cycle.
    Currently, when installing the FT on a cannon, it has the cycle
    Shot 1 --> (minimum firing delay) --> shot 2 --> (deactivated for 14 seconds) -->...

    18 days ago
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    @hpgbproductions I tried something

    ((-smooth(0,-rate(repeat(ammo("120mm SA.46 Mur"),2)=0?1:0)14+1)clamp01(Time>2))=0)&( Activate8=1)

    There are 2 magazines as I want and it goes into a cooldown period after it is finished, but I do not understand why the time between shots of the 2 magazines does not change. It only takes 1 second. What I want to do is between 3 and 4 seconds.

    19 days ago
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    Keep track of the reloads and magazines yourself and deactivate the cannon when you need to
    Of course, there is the problem that you cannot switch from another weapon to the gun with the weapon cycle buttons if the gun is deactivated

    19 days ago