Now it shows the top users over certain amounts of time (week/month/quarter/year) in addition to the all-time points totals. That's pretty neat.
I'd been wondering when we'd start to see some changes around here in preparation for SP2, and I guess they're getting started.
@foury note quite. This feature shows the sum of all one’s recent earning.
Idk but me💪💀🗿
@Graingy surely it wont, otherwise it would have occured earlier than you can mentioned it
highest rated build functions the same
I am nowhere to be seen💀 (i haven't uploaded any planes in a while)
@jamesPLANESii Greetings from page 12!
@Boeing727200F same, I’m number 5
I'm on page 6 now 😭😭😭
@KSB24 Yeah...
@HuskyDynamics01 oh nice! It's turning back to normal now.
@Graingy point racing
Oh god, I'm sure this won't make some people obnoxiously competitive or anything.
Seems it counts since the feature was added? The months to years are all the same currently.
huh, neat
@LunarEclipseSP @Rb2h Click the button on the right that says "All".
Or is it?
Okay to be serious, the User-section is now showing how many points that we got rather than showing how many points and rank are we now.
@KSB24 I stayed behind
@overlord5453 @Boeing727200F @Rb2h cool
It shows the most active players depending on the points they got in given time period.
hey look, I'm on the front page
of the monthly of the new userpage
Now it shows the top users over certain amounts of time (week/month/quarter/year) in addition to the all-time points totals. That's pretty neat.
I'd been wondering when we'd start to see some changes around here in preparation for SP2, and I guess they're getting started.
Oh now it's green
Like the amount of points they got?
The new users page looks confusing asf