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Color Panel?

1,199 visionmov  one month ago

i sometimes download a plane and when i oopen the color panel, it has a lot more slots than usual, so how do i add more color slots to the color panel?

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    1,199 visionmov

    @BMilan appreciate it so much man 👍

    +1 18 days ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @visionmov Near the very end of the XML file, you can find a few lines that look like this:

    <Material color="D0D0D0" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" />

    Just copy one of these lines (make sure to copy the entire line), press an enter between one of these lines and then paste the copied line in there, then repeat this as many times as you want.

    It should look like this before:

    <Theme name="Custom">
    <Material color="FF0000" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
    <Material color="2E2E2E" r="0.3" m="0.5" s="0.83" />
    <Material color="2E2E2E" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
    <Material color="45008B" r="0.3" m="0.5" s="0.83" />
    <Material color="3F00FF" r="0.3" m="0.5" s="0.83" />

    And it should look like this after you edited it (the bold lines are the copy-pasted ones):

    <Theme name="Custom">
    <Material color="FF0000" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
    <Material color="2E2E2E" r="0.3" m="0.5" s="0.83" />
    <Material color="2E2E2E" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
    <Material color="2E2E2E" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
    <Material color="2E2E2E" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
    <Material color="45008B" r="0.3" m="0.5" s="0.83" />
    <Material color="3F00FF" r="0.3" m="0.5" s="0.83" />

    As for how to open it to be edited, if you are on laptop, simply open the XML file with the Windows Notepad app (I personally use Notepad++, a third party app but Windows Notepad can be used for this purpose just fine too). I don't know how to open it on mobile tho, I never tried it there, but if you manage to open it for editing there too, then the editing should be the same as on PC.

    18 days ago
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    1,199 visionmov

    @BMilan i open the XML and see the code, do you know which lines in particular from start to end im supposed to copy and do also when i opened it i wasnt sure on how to actually type in there so i can edit on it. (i have a laptop and phone)

    18 days ago
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    1,199 visionmov

    @BMilan thanks man, you seemed to be the only one who understood the question, appreciate it 👍

    +1 one month ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    It can be done using XML editing. I'm not sure if it's possible on mobile (it probably is) but on PC, if you open the XML file of the build, at the very end of the file there are the lines of the color slots, you can simply copy and paste as many as you want below, then save the XML and reload the build in your designer and voila, there are more color slots.

    +1 one month ago
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    @Rb2h ahh
    So he is referring to the custom one.

    +1 one month ago
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    9,955 Rb2h

    @overlord5453 The color menu's color selection buttons

    +1 one month ago
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    You are probably referring to custom color panel

    +1 one month ago
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    What? I don't understand

    one month ago