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SimplePlanes on a Floppy Disk? Seems legit.

1,485 THEOKPILOT  one month ago

hi guys! I know I haven't been very active in the last..... MONTH. To make up for this grievous error, I will show you something cool I found out and did. Chances are you have downloaded planes. I have downloaded HUNDREDS. But how much space to they take up each? 100 mb? 100 kb? No. 6 BYTES. Just if you didn't know, a byte is 1000x smaller than a kilobyte, which in its own way, is 1000x smaller than a megabyte. Well, I guess that's neat. But this doesn't really mean much. I mean if you just checked your downloads, you would have found this out too. Well, I recently got 10 1.44 mb IBM formatted 3.5-inch floppy disks. Y'know, the save icon! And because I'm weird like that, I put hundreds of planes onto a disk! This means you can put ALL your planes, downloaded or made yourself, onto a single disk. Unless you made literal millions.

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    1,485 THEOKPILOT

    Hey guys, I made new post explaining how it is possible to run Simpleplanes and Minecraft off of a DVD! Go check it out!!

    Pinned one month ago
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    1,485 THEOKPILOT

    @LowQualityRepublic So, I cannot mail stuff to brazil?

    28 days ago
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    31.0k 32

    ok fun fact, even though those ids are only 6 bytes, the server hosting never actually takes down planes after they have been deleted from the website. That means that with a little technical skill and an aircraft ID you can recover deleted aircraft. So if you have all those IDs archived that could actually be really, really useful.

    one month ago
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    @THEOKPILOT no i live in brazil >:(

    one month ago
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    1,485 THEOKPILOT

    @LowQualityRepublic I can mail you one.

    one month ago
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    1,485 THEOKPILOT

    @Nerfaddict I can run it off of a DVD-RW, that good enough?

    one month ago
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    38.9k Graingy

    @HuskyDynamics01 y r u so smrt

    one month ago
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    30.9k Nerfaddict

    Now save the entire game to a floppy disc

    one month ago
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    @LowQualityRepublic okay I guess there's one thing stopping you then haha

    one month ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 eh, i don't have a floppy disk so i can't try that myself

    one month ago
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    @LowQualityRepublic I mean yeah (like, there's nothing stopping you), but if you want to save the actual build instead of just a link to it, the file will be in the kilobyte range instead of six bytes.

    one month ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 so does that mean we can technically save a random build to a floppy disk?

    one month ago
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    Fun fact: Most planes are actually between 100 and 900 kilobytes. The 6-byte .splane files you download from the website are nothing more than the six-character aircraft ID that the game then uses to actually download the plane into the editor. It's basically a link to the aircraft page that the game uses to get the actual aircraft.

    Your actual saved aircraft location is AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\AircraftDesigns; the Downloads folder just holds the downloaded links to planes and you can safely delete them.

    +3 one month ago
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    9,871 Rb2h

    Bro literally saved his build

    +1 one month ago