Just about 2 weeks ago i showed off the basic chassis of my ford 8n that will be participating in the ag challenge. Sense then i have added the whole rear drive train, the adjustable 3 link, complete with lever beside the seat, added the seat, added the whole front axle assembly and made it articulate, and added more smaller details. As it sits its about 1700 part meaning i only have about 300 to work with for the ag challenge rules so i decided to make a more part heavy version after i finish the main tractor. Most of the 300 parts will be going into the gauges, the throttle lever, and getting it to shift and have a working transmission.
The Yamato wasn't a challenge.
@Graingy i appreciate it. Just think, i wanna make a second version that will be even more detailed lol
How the hell am I supposed to compete with this!?
This looks incredible!
@YarisSedan yea should be fine. Everything has collisions disabled so id imagine itd work fine.
@PapaKernels i hope it works on low physics though...
@YarisSedan haha nvm i thought it was about 2-3, its about 4568 rn 💀
@PapaKernels i see, well, good to know that this thing isn't gonna turn my xiaomi into a siomay lol
@Pnut yea def. Especially when it gets scaled down and its more than half the size it is currently.
@YarisSedan very carefully lol. And lol, i mean the performance cost isnt to bad, about 2-3k so all things considered it aint to bad.
@Graingy lmao, how so
@Pnut imagine bricking any low end device for simply trying to download a tractor build though 💀
Ooh, what a nice simple tractor. I'm pretty sure it's gonna run fine on a low end device
how did your device not explode yet????
You people are nuts