I have to admit that I used to be these kind of people. Used to be jealous about how many upvotes I got compared to other people. But then I realized that upvotes are the equivalent of saying "yo, good job!" to people. Say you got 12 upvotes. That means 12 people in real life, yes real life, came up to you and said "yo, that's a really good build, keep up the good work." These people make my day, and even one or two people making kind remarks is just fine. So if you don't manage to get a high number of upvotes, consider this. Thanks.
I Got 10 Upvotes at Most
anyway, if it's about upvotes, most of the time(or at least half of the time), it's usually split 50/50 between actual skill(like how detailed, how revolutionary, how replicated, the works.) and user interaction(e.g. often comments and interact with people, good forum posts, reputation, making your niche well-known, etc.), in essential, chii-ll aboot it :3
@SILVERPANZER oh shush, your niche is literally "Future Tanks" like, tell me a guy who's as active, as good, and as talented at making futuristic tanks other than you, I HAVEN'T EVEN USED THAT INDIRECT-FIRE AUTOAIM CODE CAUSE I LOST IT SHXT SORRY I LOST IT
Now that I think about it that way, this is really a motivation booster for me
@SILVERPANZER that’s called being talented you dip
@ZeroWithSlashedO Yes, because I’m one of those players who doesn’t try hard on my builds and gets a lot, although there are many other Tank Builders who spend much more effort and their builds are many times better quality than mine, and they get significantly fewer upvotes and downloads, which extremely unfair.
12 people followed
@SILVERPANZER You like Sprocket?
I've always thought upvotes as a kind of rating, tbh
it's not hard to see how people constantly compare their upvote counts, it directly puts on a feeling of competitiveness and seeing a shitty build get a tonne of upvotes feel upsetting. to this day, I still dislike those who make a half-assed build and get significantly more upvotes than a guy who worked his back off just to get one thing right and get next to no upvotes relatively.
but I never really tried to make it a problem. For all I know, people just don't know me and don't want to. Who's stopping them?
so I just make things and stopped bothering about upvote counts.
some times when my builds don't get 5 upvotes in a month i just delete it and pretend no one cared about it
I sorta know that feeling. I recently uploaded a string of aircraft, for how my stuff usually does, nothing too glamorous, but definitely not bad, Save one that somehow being ignored for some reason, and I don't know why.
On a separate note, I personally look at both upvote and download counts as a gauge for build interest(along with the average performance of all previous stuff).
Anyone remember german corsair?
On the contrary, I think that I am too overrated, considering the quality of execution of my builds.
@Boeing727200F If you want the advice of an idiot I'm right here.
I actively make things worse, it's my talent.
It's never the quality of what I make, or so I am lead to believe.
These points are hollow. I ask for feedback and some bitchass motherfucker replies "Sproik" or some shit.
@PlaneSpike +1
@Boeing727200F gimme the link i wanna see
@PlaneSpike inb4 :troll:
this post must stay at 12 upvotes
almost all of my builds got less then 10 upvotes.
i asked SP for help for a new overengineered bomber i made, nobody comes. i made teasers for the bomber. nothing.
i dont really think anybody really cares about me