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The hell do I make?

12.7k derlurje  17 hours ago

Like seriously.... I haven't been in sp for soooooo long due to:

A. Lack of willingness to adapt to mobile from desktop (damn laptop)

B. Lack of ideas due to:

B.A. Lack of references

B.A Lack of funni sh

B.c Lack of input

C. Lack of time (im a damn optometry student in college)

D. Lack of motivation (I have a love life but its not helping in that department)

E. Lack of motivation 2: people making better than me

F. Lack of motivation (this time because im waiting for sp2)

Look i know its all silly and sht, but i wanna make atleast something to fill my ever widening gap in my sp resume.

Soo im begging you. PLEASE. WHAT SHOULD I MAKE???!??? (something thats resonable pls? Not 2k part detailed stuff, my tab wouldn't allow it)